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熟悉人脸范式提高了p300脑机接口系统的性能 姓名居中 居中 居中 居中 居中 单位 长春理工大学计算机科学技术学院 摘要:近些年来,脑机接口(BCI)是作为一种特殊的人机交互通道,在近些年引起了广泛的关注。脑机接口刺激系统的作用原理是通过对受试者被试施加一定的外界刺激来诱发具有一定特征的脑电波。P300目前,事件相关电位(ERP)的拼写装置,又通常称为P300字符拼写器,是目前最常用常见的基于P300的BCI系统。在P300拼写器的众多改进中方法中,优化诱发电位的刺激很少受到关注。因此我们在将经典Oddball范式的基础上,对刺激范式进行优化,在标准刺激(闪烁的字符)上叠加熟悉面孔的图像,并对7名未进行培训的正常视力的大学生(右利手右撇子)进行闪烁的白/灰矩阵刺激和熟悉人脸图像的刺激,同时记录其脑电反应。本研究的ERP结果表示,在条件保持亮度等模式相同的情况下,与传统P300拼写器相比, 与传统刺激相比,使用熟悉人脸范式的条件下的P300拼写器具有更高的通信速度和精度,具有更佳范式有了显著改善。这种优化可以提高通信速度,并对P300的拼写检查器中提高精度的实用性有显著影响。 关键词:P300电位; 脑机接口系统 ;熟悉人脸范式 中图分类号 文献标识码 文章编号 Flashing characters with familiar faces improves P300-based brain–computer interface Performance Name 居中 居中 居中 居中 居中 单位 长春理工大学计算机科学技术学院 Abstract Brain -computer interface (BCI) is a special kind of human-machine interaction channel, caused widespread concern in recent years. Brain -computer interface stimulation system applys a certain amount of external sexternal stimuli to induce certain characteristics of brain waves. At present, the event related potential (ERP) spelling device, usually called P300 spelling, is the most commonly used for P300-based BCI system. Among numerous improvements, a most central feature named optimizing the stimulus used for eliciting ERPsreceived little attention. We make the image of a familiar face on the flashing characters of standard stimulus, Seven healthy, non-trained native subjects who had never participated in this study will start flashing white / grey matrix stimulation and familiar faces stimulation, and record the EEG. In this study, the result indicate that in the same condition of keeping the same brightness , compared with the traditional stimulus, familiar faces improved significantly. This optimization can improve communication speed, and has a significant influence on improving the practical accuracy of the spelling checker in P300. Key words: P300 Brain computer interface (BCI) familiar faces 中图分类号 文献标识码 文章编号 前言 脑-机接口(Brain-computer ?interface?, ?BCI) ?(24,25)利用脑电信号在大脑与


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