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第二章:开始学习C++ //ex2.1--display your name and address #includeiostream int main(void) { using namespace std; coutMy name is liao chunguang and I live in hunan chenzhou.\n”; } //ex2.2--convert the furlong units to yard uints-把浪单位换位码单位 #includeiostream double fur2yd(double); int main() { using namespace std; coutenter the distance measured by furlong units:; double fur; cinfur; coutconvert the furlong to yardendl; double yd; yd=fur2yd(fur); coutfur furlong is yd yardendl; return 0; } double fur2yd(double t) { return 220*t; } //ex2.3-每个函数都被调用两次 #includeiostream void mice(); void see(); using namespace std; int main() { mice(); mice(); see(); see(); return 0; } void mice() { coutthree blind miceendl; } void see() { coutsee how they runendl; } //ex2.4 #includeiostream int main() { using namespace std; coutEnter your age:; int age; cinage; int month; month=age*12; coutage years is month monthsendl; return 0; } //ex2.5---convert the Celsius valve to Fahrenheit value #includeiostream double C2F(double); int main() { using namespace std; coutplease enter a Celsius value:; double C; cinC; double F; F=C2F(C); coutC degrees Celsius is F degrees Fahrenheit.endl; return 0; } double C2F(double t) { return 1.8*t+32; } //ex2.6---convert the light years valve to astronomical units--把光年转换为天文单位 #includeiostream double convert(double);//函数原型 int main() { using namespace std; coutEnter the number of light years:; double light_years; cinlight_years; double astro_units; astro_units=convert(light_years); coutlight_years light_years = astro_units astronomical units.endl; return 0; } double convert(double t) { return 63240*t;//1 光年=63240 天文单位 } //ex2.7--显示用户输入的小时数和分钟数 #includeiostream void show(); main() { using namespace std; show(); return 0; } void show() { using namespace std; int h,m; coutenter the number of hours:; cinh; coutenter the number of minutes:; cinm; coutTime:h:mendl; } 第三章:处理数据 //ex3.1—将身高用英尺(feet)和英寸(inch)表示 #includeiostream const int inch_per_fe


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