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发动机原理 (Internal Combustion Engine Principles) 一、课程基本情况 课程编号:( ) 课程总学时:48 (其中:讲课:44,试验 :4) 课程学分: 3 课程分类:必修 开设学期:春 开课单位: 工学院车辆与交通工程系 适用专业:热能与动力工程 所需先修课:工程热力学、流体力学、传热学、发动机构造 课程负责人:李淑艳 二、课程内容简介 发动机原理是热能与动力工程(汽车发动机)专业最重要的一门专业技术基础课。通过本课程的教学和试验环节,使学生具有分析和改进提高发动机性能的基本能力,具有初步进行和组织发动机性能试验的基本能力,从而为学习本专业后续课程和从事本专业工作打下坚实的专业基础。 本课程以发动机的性能指标作为主要研究对象,把合理组织热力工作过程,提高整机性能作为中心内容,系统阐明发动机原理的基本理论、基本概念和基本试验方法,并深入到工作过程的各个阶段,分析影响性能指标的各种因素,找出规律,研究提高性能指标的措施与途径。 课程主要内容包括发动机的工作性能指标,工作循环分析,充量更换,混合气形成和燃烧,燃料供给与调节,排气污染物的生成机理与控制,工作特性与匹配。重点是研究发动机工作过程,综合分析发动机性能与参数之间的相互关系。 Internal Combustion Engine Principles is a basic professional course of Thermal Energy and Power Engineering (IC engine), and it is the most important course in all major courses of IC engine. Through teaching and testing, enable students to analyze and improve the basic capacity for improving the performance of engine, and be in capacity for organizing the internal combustion engine test, and this could lay the solid professional foundation for follow-up study. The main study objective of this course is engine operating parameters, organizing the working process reasonably and improving engine performance. Then systematically illustrate the basic theory, the basic concept and the testing method of engine. And this could be in the depth of each stage of thermo working process, and analyze various factors of influencing the performance indicators, and identify the general rules about improving the performance indicators of IC engine. The main contents include engine operating parameters, engine operating cycles, gas exchange processes, Mixture Preparation,Engine Combustion,engine emissions and their control,characteristics and matching. Focus on engine working process research and synthetically analyze the relationship of performance and parameters. 三、各部分教学纲要 (一)课堂讲授部分 第一章 概论 1、教学内容要点: = 1 \* GB3 ①发动机发展史及发展前景分析 = 2 \* GB3 ② 本课程的任务、特点、内容及学习方法 2、基本要求: = 1 \* GB3 ①认识发动机的发展前景 = 2


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