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大石围天坑群区水龙骨科药用蕨类植物的调查研究 摘要:为掌握广西壮族自治区乐业县大石围天坑群区水龙骨科药用蕨类植物的资源情况,通过野外实地考察、标本采集、资料查阅及标本鉴定等方法,对该地区水龙骨科药用蕨类植物进行了调查,并对药用蕨类植物的生境及地理分布进行了比较。结果表明,大石围天坑群区共有水龙骨科蕨类植物13属37种,其中具备药用价值的蕨类植物有8属13种。如石韦属有5种,分别为石韦、柔软石韦、相似石韦、光石韦、贴生石韦;瓦韦属有大瓦韦和瓦韦2种;伏石蕨属有伏石蕨;抱树莲属有抱树莲;骨牌蕨属有抱石莲;星蕨属有江南星蕨;水龙骨属有水龙骨;盾蕨属有盾蕨。调查结果显示,大石围天坑群区适合蕨类植物的生长,水龙骨科蕨类植物的资源比较丰富,并且药用蕨类植物的生物活性成分含量较高,具有重要的药用价值。 关键词:水龙骨科;药用蕨类植物;调查研究;大石围天坑;乐业县 study on medicinal polypodiaceae fern in area of dashiwei doline group su shi-lin,zhang ting-ting (department of chemistry and life science, baise college, baise 533000, guangxi, china) abstract: the medicinal polypodiaceae ferns in guangxi zhuang autonomous region, leye county, dashiwei doline group were studied though the field investigation, specimen collection, information access and specimen identification method. the habitats and geographical distribution of the medicinal ferns were compared. the results showed that there were polypodiaceae ferns 13 genera and 37 species in dashiwei doline group, in which 8 genera and 13 species of ferns had medicinal value, such as pyrrosia mirbel, lepisorus (j. sm.) ching, lemmaphyllum c. presl, drymoglossum c. presl, lepidogrammitis ching, microsorum link, polypodiodes ching, neolepisorus ching, and 13 species, which are pyrrosia lingua (thunb.) farwell, p. porosa (c. presl) hovenk, p. similis ching, p. clavata(bak.)ching, p. adnascens (sw.) ching, lepisorus macrosphaerus (bak.) ching, l. thunbergianus (kaulf.) ching, lemmaphyllum microphyllum c. presl, drymoglossum piloselloides(l.) presl, lepidogrammitis drymoglossoides (bak.) ching, microsorum fortunei (t. moore) ching, polypodium nipponicum mett., neolepisorus ovatus (bedd.) ching. description dashiwei doline group area suitable for the growth of ferns. the polypodiaceae ferns were rich in bioactive components. key words: polypodiaceae; medicinal fern; investigation; dashiwei doline; leye county 水龙骨科(polypodiacea


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