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l 四川大学锦城学院 本科生毕业论文(设计) 题 目 韵达快运运输路线优化 学 院 四川大学锦城学院 专 业 物流管理 学生姓名 学 号 年级 指导教师 教务部制表 年 四 月 l 韵达快运运输路线优化 专业:物流管理 摘 要 进入90年代以来,随着我国经济发展水平快速提高,社会经济活动日益频繁,人们对货物送达的时间要求也越来越高。不仅传统的文件、包裹,而且越来越多的高价值、小批量、个性化的货物,如电子产品、医药用品、通讯器材、印刷品、家用电器、服装以至食品、鲜花等等,都成为快递的托寄物内容。随着产业分工的细化和市场竞争的加剧,物流业必须在控制成本的前提下,适应小批量、多批次、快速反应、稳定服务的要求。做好物流网络规划,发展轴辐式物流网络应该是一个较好的应对之策。本文试图用Dijkstra算法对模拟的运输路线进行选择和调整分析,从而找出最适合运输的路线,达到降低运输费用的效果。 关键词: 韵达快运 运输优化 轴辐式物流网络 Dijkstra算法 Transportation route choice and optimization of YUNDA express Professional: logistics management Name:Lin Zhengjun Supervisor:Zheng Jianguo Abstract Into the 90s, along with the rapid increase in the level of economic development, social and economic activities become more frequent,the people of the time of delivery of goods are increasingly high requirements.Not only the traditional documents, packages, and more and more high value, small batch, personalized goods, such as electronic products, medical supplies, communications equipment, prints, household appliances, clothing and food, flowers, etc, are all become expresss send content content. With the refining and marketing division of labor competition, logistics, cost control must be the premise, to adapt to low-volume, multi-batch, rapid response, and stable service requirements.Good logistics network planning, development axis spoke logistics network should be a good deal of the policy.This paper attempts to use the Dijkstra algorithm to simulate the transport routes to choose and adjust the analysis to identify the most suitable transport routes, to reduce the effect of transportation costs. Key words:Courier Services Transportation routes Transportation optimization Dijkstra algorithm 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc288206945 1.选题背景 PAGEREF _Toc288206945 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc288206946 1.1问题描述 PAGEREF _Toc2


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