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油漆的组成(1) 风干过程 施工方法 喷漆设备 Paint Application Equipment 毛刷Brushes 滚筒Rollers 传统喷枪Conventional Sprayguns 低压高流量喷枪H.V.L.P. Sprayguns 无气喷枪Airless Sprayguns 空气混合型喷枪 Airmix Sprayguns 毛刷(Brushes) 滚筒(Rollers) 通常用于乳胶漆, 有时用于火车内部涂装. Occasionally used to coat interiors of trains. 喷漆(Spray Painting) 设备要求Required Equipment 空压机Air Compressor 储气罐Air Receiver 调压阀Air Pressure Regulator 供气软管Air Supply Hoses 喷枪Spraygun 空气压缩系统 调压阀Air Transformers 输气管Air Lines 将空气从压缩机输送到喷枪,Carries the compressed air from the transformer to the spraygun. 通常内径8毫米,Normally 8mm diameter. 通常6-9米比较合适;Should not normally exceed 6 - 9 metres in length. 过细或过长的管路容易造成压力损失.Excessive length, or too narrow internal diameter will cause excessive drop in pressures. ( See notes ) 枪帽 Sprayguns - The Air Cap 喷枪型号 Type of Spray gun 传统喷枪Conventional - Suction or Gravity 低压高流量High Volume, Low Pressure - Suction or Gravity 无气型Airless 静电枪Electrostatic 传统吸上式喷枪 Conventional - Suction Feed 传统重力式 Conventional - Gravity Feed 低压高流量 .V.L.P.(High Volume Low Pressure) 此类喷枪可以提高油漆利用率和减少过喷。These sprayguns CAN increase the transfer rate of the paint and to reduce overspray. 需要低气压高流量之压缩空气,对压缩机有较高要求。They work by using high volumes of compressed air at low pressures, therefore it is important to have a good, high volume compressor, and no restrictions in the air line HVLP喷枪HVLP Spray guns 压力喷涂原理 Pressure spraying 无气喷涂(Airless Spray) 传统喷枪与无气喷枪比较而言Conventional v Airless 无气喷枪结构分析 Airless Sprayguns 无气喷枪 Airless Sprayguns 空气辅助雾化无气喷枪 Air - Assisted Airless Spray 空气辅助雾化无气喷枪(热喷涂) Air assisted Airless ( Hot Spray ) 静电喷枪 Electrostatic Sprayguns 极易使用. 喷枪较贵Sprayguns are expensive. 涂料需要可带电荷Paint used must be able to take an electric charge. 静电发生器. 工件需要接地Object to be painted must be “earthed” 静电喷涂 Paint Application equipment 喷强需要定期清洁与保养Will only work properly if regularly cleaned and maintained. 熟悉你的喷枪有助于取得最佳喷漆效果Understand your equipment to get the best out of it. 常看使用说明书Always read the instructions. 选择最合适的喷枪Use the correct equipme



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