株洲高新区政府融资平台发展对策分析-analysis on development countermeasures of government financing platform in zhuzhou high - tech zone.docxVIP

株洲高新区政府融资平台发展对策分析-analysis on development countermeasures of government financing platform in zhuzhou high - tech zone.docx

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株洲高新区政府融资平台发展对策分析-analysis on development countermeasures of government financing platform in zhuzhou high - tech zone

摘 摘 要 I I 株洲市作为中部的一个新兴工业重镇,城市化和城市产业化的进 程的不断加快,为了解决城市基础设施建设的资金短缺,克服国家限 制地方政府债务融资的法律障碍,也如同其他各省、市一样相继成立 了为地方政府获取资金的六大融资平台。目前地方政府融资平台已成 为株洲政府发展区域经济的得力“助手”,成为拉动投资、拓展项目 配套资金的有效途径,有力支持了各地建设和经济发展。在加快城镇 化建设、缩小城乡差距、拉动民间资本方面起到了积极的作用。与此 同时,融资平台出现了一些急需高度关注的问题,具体表现在平台运 作不规范、过度负债、还款机制不健全、风险约束机制不完善等方面。 本文以株洲高新区为研究对象,分析了株洲市政府设立地方政府 融资平台的必要性,对株洲市地方政府融资平台的运作情况,包括资 本金来源、融资渠道、资金投向、还款来源及特点进行定性和定量分 析,全面系统认识株洲市地方政府融资平台的发展现状及存在的问 题,提出了有针对性提出了规范化发展我国地方政府融资平台的措施 建议。平台公司应规范自身发展,强化自身公司行为,淡化行政色彩; 增强风险意识,建立风险内控机制;积极探索构建多元化融资体系, 扩宽公司融资渠道,如探索设立股权产业基金、充分利用保险资金等。 重视专业人才的培养等。 关键词: 融资平台,高科集团,天易集团,融资渠道 A ABSTRACT II II Zhuzhou city is an emerging industrial city in the middle of the city, and the city industrialization process accelerating, in order to solve the city infrastructure construction fund shortage, overcome legal obstacles of local government debt financing is restricted by the state, as well as other provinces, city, as well as following the establishment of the local government funds for the six major financing platform. The local government financing platform has become the government of Zhuzhou regional economic development strength " assistant ", become the effective way to stimulate investment, expand the project matching funds, the strong support of the country construction and economic development. In the aspect of urbanization, narrow the gap between urban and rural, stimulating private capital has played a positive role. At the same time, there are some urgent concern financing platform, specifically in the platform operation is not standard, excessive debt, repayment mechanism is not perfect, risk constraint mechanism is not perfect etc.. In this paper, high-tech zones in Zhuzhou city as the research object, analyzes the necessity of Zhuzhou city hall set up local government financing platform, operation situation of the financing platform of local government in the city of Zhuzhou, including the capital sources, III III financing channel, investment, repayment sourc



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