农远网络资源库应用现状及策略分析——以甘肃省临夏县为例-application status and strategy analysis of agricultural remote network resource database —— a case study of linxia county in gansu province.docx

农远网络资源库应用现状及策略分析——以甘肃省临夏县为例-application status and strategy analysis of agricultural remote network resource database —— a case study of linxia county in gansu province.docx

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农远网络资源库应用现状及策略分析——以甘肃省临夏县为例-application status and strategy analysis of agricultural remote network resource database —— a case study of linxia county in gansu province

“农 “农远”网络资源库应用现状及策略研究——以甘肃省临夏县为例 V V resource database. So the research subjects not only has some innovation, but also has some inspiration to solve the problems existed in network resource database applications. This thesis is mainly divided into five chapters, as follows: The first chapter expounded the research background, research status, research content, purpose and significance, research train of thought and methods. Chapter II, surveyed the application status of network resources at models three schools of MDEPRPSS in LinXia county of GanSu province through questionnaires, interviews, research methods, and analysed the application status of network resources,From which the author summed up the application experience and problems which existed in its application process, Chapter III, at the basis of the analysis the application status, combined with field observations on the network resource database applications to make attribution analysis. Chapter IV, put forward the strategy to promote the application of network resources based on attribution analysis. Chapter V is about the summary of the entire research work and the conclusion of the study.In this part,the author pointed out the shortcomings and the direction which can be studied further. Keywords: Modern distance education in rural primary and secondary schools; network resource database;application status;strateies I I 独创性声明 PAGE PAGE 1 第一章 绪论 一、研究背景 (一)“农远”是农村教育信息化的重要组成部分 从我国基础教育的现状看,大量中小学在县镇以下的农村。目前农村中小学有 53 万所, 占中小学校总数的 88%。由此可以看出农村基础教育是我国基础教育的重点和难点,农村基 础教育尤其是少数民族地区的基础教育已经成为发展基础教育、提高基础教育质量的瓶颈, 提高农村基础教育质量尤其是少数民族地区的基础教育质量将会对提高基础教育质量以及基 础教育的发展起到推波助澜的作用。由于农村经济不发达,教育观念落后、信息流通不畅等 原因导致农村教育质量低、教育发展缓慢。 农村教育信息化是农村信息化的主要组成部分,同时也是实现农村教育现代化的必经途 径。为此,2003 年国务院召开了全国农村教育工作会议,决定“实施农村中小学现代远程教 育工程,促进城乡优质教育资源共享,提高农村教育质量和效益”,农村中小学现代远程教育 工程主要是通过三种技术模式的配置引进优质教育资源,缩小农村与城市教育资源的差距, 提高农村教育教学质量,通过各种培训提高师资水平,这是党中央国务院加快发展农村教育、 推动教育均衡、实现教育公平的重大战略举措。农村中小学现代远程教育工程的实施使农村 教育信息化初具规模,为农村教育信息化的发展提供物质支撑。如何促进“农远”资源的全 面和深入应用,真正实现“农远”



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