中央日报抗战救国报道研究——以长沙会战报道为例-research on the central daily report of anti - japanese war and saving the nation —— taking changsha battle report as an example.docx

中央日报抗战救国报道研究——以长沙会战报道为例-research on the central daily report of anti - japanese war and saving the nation —— taking changsha battle report as an example.docx

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中央日报抗战救国报道研究——以长沙会战报道为例-research on the central daily report of anti - japanese war and saving the nation —— taking changsha battle report as an example

I I 摘 要 作为国民党第一份中央直属党报,《中央日报》于 1927 年 3 月 22 日在武汉创刊。 该报在新中国成立前共出版二十二年,是贯穿国民党在大陆执政期间极为重要的言论机 构。报纸不仅记录了当时社会的政治、经济状况,保存了大量的新闻史料。更为重要的 是,在抗战救国方面《中央日报》积极团结民众共同支援抗战,详细报道会战进程,对 全面动员抗战、坚定必胜信念起到积极的推动作用。 本文选取《中央日报》为研究对象,希望通过客观的分析研究,再现该报在长沙会 战期间的真实面貌;文章以历史文献为依托,深度挖掘长沙会战时期《中央日报》在团 结一切力量、积极报道抗战方面取得的成绩,丰富我国新闻事业的研究内容。 《中央日报》作为国民党最为重要的官方报纸,有着较长的发展历史。因此,对其 发展历程的梳理有助于更加深入地研究这份报纸。同时简要说明长沙会战简况,并结合 当时国民党新闻政策分析《中央日报》积极抗战的原因。 《中央日报》在长沙会战期间的报道策略研究,主要从对内宣传抗战、对外争取舆 论支持两方面着手。分析该报在新闻报道上讲究策略、注重时机,密切配合国民党新闻 政策的走向,争取最大范围内支持抗战。对于报道内容的研究则集中在政治、军事等领 域,通过对报道实例的具体分析,透视这一时期该报在抗战救国方面取得的成效。 通过对《中央日报》在长沙会战期间报道策略、内容的细致梳理,总结并肯定《中 央日报》在抗战救国报道方面产生的积极影响,并指出其存在的局限以供其借鉴。 关键词:《中央日报》;抗战;报道;长沙会战 III III ABSTRACT As the KMT’s frist party newspaper directly under central management, the Central Daily News was founded on Mar.22 1927 and was based in Wuhan. It published a total of 22 years before the founding of the PRC and the newspaper was a vital remarks institutions during the ruling KMT in mainland. The newspaper not only recorded the political and economic situation of the community, at the same time it saves plenty of news materials. More importantly, during the war of the nations central daily active solidarity and public support the war, details of the campaign and the full mobilization, determined to win the war has played a positive role in promoting. In this paper, I selected the Central Daily News in order to put the KMT party newspaper into the study of China news history by taken a detached attitude. This paper analyses the Central Daily News from the perspective of journalism and excauate the achievements during the battle of Changsha by reported the battle positively, to enriches our country journalism research content. Central Daily as the most important official newspaper, has a long history of development. Therefore, contribute to a more in-depth study of this paper on the history development. At the same time, a brief description of the battle of Changsha, and combined with the Kuomintang Press Po



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