中国上市公司并购绩效分析基于沪深a股市场的经验数据-performance analysis of mergers and acquisitions of chinese listed companies based on empirical data of shanghai and shenzhen a - share markets.docx

中国上市公司并购绩效分析基于沪深a股市场的经验数据-performance analysis of mergers and acquisitions of chinese listed companies based on empirical data of shanghai and shenzhen a - share markets.docx

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中国上市公司并购绩效分析基于沪深a股市场的经验数据-performance analysis of mergers and acquisitions of chinese listed companies based on empirical data of shanghai and shenzhen a - share markets

摘 要 并购是企业进行外部扩张,优化资源配置的重要手段,近年来,随着我国资 本市场的发展和并购环境的优化,并购事件逐年增多,对并购绩效的研究成为实 务界和学术界广泛关注的一个重要课题。本文通过对相关理论和实证的文献梳理 发现,目前,国内外学者关于并购绩效的比较一致的结论是并购能改善目标方公 司,但对主并方的研究结论不一,而且我国上市公司并购绩效的实证研究大多使 用单一的研究方法,样本事件多发生于股权分置改革前,缺乏从短期和长期角度 的综合评价,所以本文以 2007 年我国沪深 A 股市场上的上市公司并购事件为样 本,运用事件研究法考察收购方并购后的短期绩效,运用财务指标法考察收购方 并购前后共 5 年的长期绩效,希望能够弥补以往研究的不足,为利益相关方提供 指导。 本文以日均超常收益率( AAR)和累积日均超常收益率( CAR)为指标利用事 件研究法考察并购后短期绩效,研究结论是:并购在短期内能为股东带来显著的 财富增加,股权类并购的短期绩效优于资产类并购,较关联并购,市场短期内更 看好非关联并购,全样本和分类研究的结果均通过了置信度 95%的显著性检验, 另外,在信息正式披露之前,存在信息泄露的可能,影响了并购事件的正常反应, 也反映出我国证券市场的不规范性。本文利用经行业调整的 13 项财务指标构建 评价指标体系,利用因子分析法求得各年绩效的综合得分,进而观察并购后的长 期绩效。研究结论是:观察期内并购的长期绩效没有得到改善,分类研究的结果 显示资产类收购的绩效改善优于股权类并购,并购后头两年关联并购的绩效好于 非关联并购,但非关联并购的绩效改善更有持续性。 最后,本文针对我国上市公司短期和长期绩效的实证研究结果,从宏观层面 和公司层面对我国上市公司并购发展提出了一些意见和建议。 关键词: 上市公司, 并购绩效, 实证研究 Abstract Through the means of M&As, firms expanded their operations and achieved the goal of external growth. With the development of Chinese capital market and the optimization of acquisition environment, the mergers and acquisitions among listed companies has been gradually increasing in recent years. Theorists and empiricists pay much attention to research on the performance of M&As. After reviewing the theoretical and empirical literature, we find most scholars agree that M&As can improve the performance of target companies, as for the acquiring companies, they have different views. The empirical studies on Chinese listed companies’ performance which is brought by M&As generally use a single method and lack comprehensive evaluations from both short-term and long-term. So this paper select the listed companies which conduct M&As in 2007 as samples, adopt event method to reach the short-term result and use financial index to measure the long-term result, hoping to cover the shortage of present studies and help the stakeholders to make decisions. When we use the event method to measure the short-term performance of the acquiring listed firms , we analyze the AAR(average



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