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中成药/Herbal medicine Fuxin Xianhe Pharmaceutical Co., ltd. No. Name of Product Ingredients, Description, Action and Indication 1 脑血栓片 Naoxueshuan Tablet Ingredients:Flos Carthami, Radix Angelica Sinensis, Hirudo (broiling) , Radix Paeoniae Rubra, Semen Persicae, Rhizoma Chuanxiong, Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae, Eupolyphagaseus Steleophaga, Cornu Saigae Tataricae, Artificial Calcylus Bovis. Description:Sugar coated tablets with brown core, taste, sweet and pungent. Action: To active blood circulation to remove blood stasis,fresh mind,restore menstrual flow, suppress the sthenic yang, subdue internal wind. Indication: Prevention and treatment of apoplexy omen marked by numb of limbs and trunk, dizzy and facial paralysis, hemiplegia caused by cerebral thrombus. 2 脑血康片 Naoxuekang Tablet Ingredients: Hirudo Description: Sugar coated tablets with light-brown core, odour, slightly fishy, taste, salted and slightly bitter. Action: Activating blood and dissolving stasis Indication: Apoplexy marked by numb of limbs and trunk,dizzy and facial parelysis,hemiplegia caused by cerebral thrombus 3 复方丹参片 Fufang Danshen Tablet Ingredients: Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae,Radix Notoginseng, Borneolum Syntheticum. Description: Brown tablets, sugar or film coated tablets with brown core; odour, aromatic; taste, slightly bitter. Action: To activate blood circulationm,eliminate blood stasis,regulate the flow of qi and relieve pain. Indication: Sensation of stuffiness in the chest and angina pectoris 4 西黄丸 Xihuang Pills Ingredients:Artifical Calculus Bovis, Moschus, Myrrha (processing with vinegar), Resina Olibani (Processing with vinegar). Description: Brown water pill, odour, fragrant, taste, lightly bitter. Action: To remove toxic heat, to reduce heat, in blood, decoction of regulating ying and reduce swelling. Indication: All kinds of cancer, Carbuncle and furnncle, scrofula. 1.Various cancers, for instnce: HYPERLINK javascript:showjdsw(showjd_0,j_0) breast cancer, liver c


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