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毕业设计(论文) 捷联式惯性导航系统分析 院(系)名称 飞行学院 专业名称 飞行技术 学生姓名 指导教师 2012年 04月 捷联式惯性导航系统分析 摘 要 捷联式惯性导航(strap-down inertial navigation)strap-down)的英语原义是“捆绑”的意思。因此捷联式惯性导航惯性测量元件(陀螺仪和加速度计)直接装在飞行器需要诸如姿态、速度、航向等导航信息的主体上,用计算机把测量信号变换为导航参数的一种导航技术。不管惯性器件的精度多高,由于陀螺漂移和加速度计的误差随时间逐渐积累惯导系统长时间运行必将导致客观的积累误差,因此,人们在不断探索提高自主式惯导系统的精度外,还在寻求引入外部信息,形成组合式导航系统,这。strap-down inertial navigation system analysis Author:CHEN Zhuang Tutor:LI Ji-fang Abstract Strapdown inertial navigation ( strap-down inertial navigation ), strapdown (strap-down) English original meaning is tied. Therefore the strapdown inertial navigation is the inertial measurement unit ( gyroscopes and accelerometers ) is directly installed on the aircraft that need such as attitude, velocity, heading navigation information such as subject, use the computer measurement signal for navigation parameters of a navigation technology. It has good concealment, work is not affected by meteorological conditions and human interference and a series of advantages, these advantages make the inertial navigation in the aerospace, aviation, navigation and measurement have been widely used. However, no matter how high precision of inertial device, because the gyro drift and accelerometer error with time gradually accumulate, inertial navigation system operation for a long time will lead to objective accumulation error, therefore, people constantly explore to improve autonomous navigation system precision, is also seeking the introduction of external information, to form a combined navigation system, it has become a trend in the development of navigation technology. This paper mainly analyzes the platform inertial navigation system, inertial navigation system, a combined inertial navigation system of the principle, composition, as well as the development trend, and finally for the future of the navigation system. Key words: Strap-down inertial navigation system, Platform inertial navigation system, Combination Inertial navigation system 目录 1 绪论



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