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115t/h燃焦炉煤气推钢式连续加热炉的设计 摘 要 推钢式连续加热炉是传统的、使用最广泛的连续加热炉,它是靠推钢机完成炉内运料任务的连续加热炉。该加热炉具有结构简单、操作方便、运行可靠、造价低廉的特点,运用于各种轧制前的加热和某些锻造前的加热,自本世纪初沿用至今。 该设计是在所学《传热学》《工程热力学》《火焰炉》等专业课的基础上,查阅大量加热炉设计资料,对加热炉进行整体设计。该设计为产量为115t/h(焦炉煤气)方坯推钢式连续加热炉。 设计内容包括文献综述、热工计算、金属加热计算、炉子主要尺寸确定、炉膛热平衡与燃料消耗量计算、煤气烧嘴的选用、空气换热器设计计算、空气管路阻力损失计算及鼓风机选择、烟道阻力损失及烟囱计算、英文文献翻译等几部分。最后运用CAD对加热炉本体进行总体绘图。 关键词:推钢式 加热炉 热平衡 Abstract Pusher-type furnace is a kind of traditional furnace that is the most widely used by pushing steel machine for material transport tasks completely. It has many advantages listed below: simple in structure, convenient operation, reliable working low cost. It is applied to a variety of pre-rolling heating and some pre-forging heating, since the beginning of this century is in use . This design is based on the Heat Transfer, Engineering Thermo dynamics, Flame Furnace and other course, and referred to a large number of furnace design information for the overall design of the furnace. The production of the continuous slab pusher-type furnace is designed as 115t/h.. The design includes literature review, thermal calculation, metal heating calculation, the determine to the furnace main dimensions, furnace heat balance and fuel consumed, the choice of the gas burner, heat exchanger design and calculation, air lines pressure drop calculation and air blower choice, flue resistance loss and the chimney calculation, the English translation of the literature and others. Finally, the CAD software is used to draw the whole body of the furnace. Keyword: Pusher-type Furnace Heat balance 1.文 献 综 述 1.1 加热炉的概述[1] 加热炉是将物料或工件加热的设备。按热源划分有燃料加热炉、电阻加热炉、感应加热炉、微波加热炉等。应用遍及石油、化工、冶金、机械、热处理、表面处理、建材、电子、材料、轻工、日化、制药等诸多行业领域。 在冶金工业中,加热炉习惯上是指把金属加热到轧制成锻造温度的工业炉,包括有连续加热炉和室式加热炉等。金属热处理用的加热炉另称为热处理炉。初轧前加热钢锭或使钢锭内部温度均匀的炉子称为均热炉。广义而言,加热炉也包括均热炉和热处理炉。 1.2 加热炉的一般组成部分[6] 加热炉是一个复杂的热工设备,它一般由炉子热工工艺系统、装出料系统、热工检测及自动控制系统等部分组成。三个系统相互配合,使炉子正常运转。 其中炉子的工作室(炉膛)、供热系统(风机、油泵、管道、燃烧装置等)、排烟系统(烟道、烟闸、换热器、余热锅炉、烟囱、排烟机等)以及冷却系统等构成了炉子的热工工艺系统,它是加热炉最基本的组成部分。故以下仅对热工工



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