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热处理石料的力学打制实验研究 周振宇 关键词:旧石器时代  热处理技术  石料力学性能  打制实验  KEYWORDS: Paleolithic Age Heat Treatment Technology Mechanical Properties of Stone Materials Percussion Experiments ABSTRACT: Heat treatment technology is one of the important characteristics of the behaviors of the early modern humans, which reflected the advanced utilization of the stone materials by the prehistoric people. Through the percussion experiments, the researchers found that the heat treatment could improve percussion effect and reduce accidents, and raise the quality of the produced flakes. The suitable temperature of the heat treatment is about 400℃, and the mechanical properties of the stone materials treated by suitable temperature were obviously improved. The experiment results matched the conclusions of the composition analysis, electron microscopic analysis and rock mechanical analysis to the same set of stone samples. Through the analyses and explorations to the percussion experiment of the heat-treated stone materials, this paper elucidated the influences of the heat treatment to the lithic industry, and explained how this technique played its role in the utilization and development of the materials and the processing and making of the stone implements. 早在十几万年前就开始对石料进行有目的性 前    言 的热处理。该遗址距今7.2万年的上部文化层 旧石器时代考古学研究范畴内,热处理 中又出土了更为丰富的热处理石制品,这表 特指针对石料进行加热、保温、冷却处理改 明此时人类已熟练掌握了针对硅质岩类进行 变石料的表面及内部结构,以满足古人类对 系统化的热处理以改变石料性能的技术[1]。大 原料质地、颜色、可用性等特征的要求。热 量材料的发现表明,至旧石器时代晚期,热 处理技术反映了古人类对石料的深度利用, 处理技术已经分布于欧洲大陆、北美大陆、 是旧石器时代晚期人类行为中重要的因素之 亚洲等世界大部分地区,其中南亚的印度、 一。对热处理行为的判断与研究可以帮助我 巴基斯坦,中亚的阿富汗和西亚等地区都发 们了解古人类对石料的选择与认知能力、石


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