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Advanced Statistics ’15 Quiz #1 DATE \@ yyyy/M/d 2015/11/18 Student ID#: Name: (20%) 請繪製迴歸分析的分析流程圖,並做適當的說明。 (5%) 何謂 iid? Independent and identically normal distributed. <3~5題的SPSS or EXCEL報表請上傳至LMS系統,並將簡要答案寫在試卷上> (25%) Based on data in the attached Quiz_1.xls, (SPSS) Perform descriptive statistics on both Purity X and Purity Y. Plot statistical graphs on both data. Perform hypothesis testing to check whether the population means are different for Purity X and Purity Y. (Use ? = 0.05) Purity X Purity Y 平均數 89.65 91.62 標準誤 0.63 0.48 中間值 90.14 91.05 眾數 #N/A #N/A 標準差 3.43 2.62 變異數 11.76 6.89 峰度 0.41 1.49 偏態 -0.71 0.98 範圍 14.50 12.09 最小值 80.33 87.33 最大值 94.83 99.42 總和 2689.40 2748.70 個數 30 30 信賴度(95.0%) 1.281 0.980 F 檢定:兩個常態母體變異數的檢定   Purity X Purity Y 平均數 89.65 91.62 變異數 11.76 6.89 觀察值個數 30 30 自由度 29 29 F 1.707 P(F=f) 單尾 0.078 0.05 不拒絕H0 可假設兩母體變異數相等 臨界值:單尾 1.861   t 檢定:兩個母體平均數差的檢定,假設變異數相等   Purity X Purity Y 平均數 89.65 91.62 變異數 11.76 6.89 觀察值個數 30 30 Pooled 變異數 9.327 假設的均數差 0 自由度 58 t 統計 -2.507 P(T=t) 單尾 0.008 0.05 拒絕H0 臨界值:單尾 1.672 P(T=t) 雙尾 0.015 兩母體平均數有顯著差異(Purity Y Purity X) 臨界值:雙尾 2.002   (25%) The number of pounds of steam (y) used per month by a chemical plants is thought to be related to the average ambient temperature (in ?F) (x) for that month. The past year’s usage and temperature are shown below. Please perform a regression analysis on the data using ? = 0.05, and answer the following questions. (EXCEL) Month Temp. Usage/1000 Month Temp. Usage/1000 Jan. 21 185.79 July 68 621.55 Feb. 24 214.47 Aug. 74 675.06 Mar. 32 288.03 Sept. 60 562.03 Apr. 47 424.84 Oct. 48 452.93 May 53 454.58 Nov. 41 369.95 June 59 539.03 Dec. 30 273.98 What is the estimate of expected steam usage when the average temperature is 55 ?F? 501.171 What change in mean steam usage is expected when the monthly average temperature changes by 1 ?F? 9.241 Suppose the monthly average temperature is 47 ?F. Calculate t


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