新视野大学英语(第三版)读写教程BookIII-Unit5-Section B-The joy of a prideful tradition.ppt

新视野大学英语(第三版)读写教程BookIII-Unit5-Section B-The joy of a prideful tradition.ppt

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我发现自己呆在他的店里或隔几天去拜访一下完全是为了和他聊天,享受他带来的快乐。 原句译文 逆译练习 I found myself lingering in his store or dropping in every few days, just to chat with him for the joy he would impart. (Para. 10) 句型提炼 Sb. find oneself V.-ing / V.-ed. 句型提炼 应用提示 用于表达“某人发现自己处于某种状态或正在做并未打算做的事情”。 句型应用 After the economic crisis, many companies found?themselves?saddled with?the massive debt.? 典型例句 经济危机之后, 很多公司发现他们自己肩负着巨额债务。 意群提示 ……他站在店门口,朝着大街,一边修理鞋子,一边高声清晰地唱着动听的曲子。 原句译文 逆译练习 … as he stood in front of his door overseeing the street, working at a pair of shoes, he sang a beautiful melody in a high, clear voice. (Para. 12) 句型提炼 As sb. do ... doing …, sb. do … 句型提炼 应用提示 用于表达“某人同时做几件事情”。 句型应用 As he lay on the bench, watching the clear sky, smelling the lingering scent of the rain, he planned how to spend the approaching holiday. 典型例句 他躺在长凳上,望着清澈的天空,闻着雨后的余香,计划着如何度过马上到来的假期。 意群提示 一天,我怒气冲冲地从家里出来…… 离开时,我心里空落落的,痛苦不已。 原句译文 逆译练习 One day, I came away from my house filled with fury … (Para. 13) I went away with a wretched void in my heart. (Para. 19) 句型提炼 Sb. do sth. (filled) with / full of … 句型提炼 应用提示 用于表达“某人带着某种心情做……” 。 句型应用 满怀兴奋和期待,他们登上飞机,开始了他们的留学之旅。 意群提示 Full of?excitement and expectation,?they board the plane and embark on their journey of studying abroad. 典型例句 Filled?with?extreme?grief?and?disappointment,?he?locked?himself up?in?his?tiny?room?for seven days.? 典型例句 悲伤、失望之极,他把自己锁在小房间里长达七天。 意群提示 他身材高大,多年工作弄得有点驼背,不多的头发已经灰白,脸上皱纹纵横。他个性鲜明,但从不严苛。此外,我尤其记得他那双动人的黑眼睛,洋溢着和善、快乐与幽默。 不管一个人做什么样的工作,只要我们每天都把它做到最好,我们就在为自己的孩子建立一个可遵循的传统。 当一个人修正自己的方式并学会以自己的工作为荣时,快乐的一生就会随之而来。 Words showing comparison / contrast Generally, words like likewise, similarly, as in a similar fashion, etc. indicate comparison, while however, but, in contrast, on the contrary, on the other hand, by comparison, etc. show contrast. Recognizing signal words Words showing illustration Illustration words include namely, specifically, for example, for instance, such as, to illustrate, etc. Recognizing signal words Example 1 Recognizing signal w



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