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液压升降舞台系统 摘 要 本次毕业设计是关于液压升降舞台系统的设计。首先对液压升降舞台作了简单的概述;接着分析了液压升降舞台的基本结构和工艺参数,然后根据所要求的基本工参数和机械机构,进行了液压系统的计算,从而对液压元件进行选型,然后在对所选择的液压升降舞台的性能进行了必要的验算,当验算合格后,本设计给出了升降舞台液压系统的原理图和电气控制图,并对此作出了详细的分析。最后本文简单的说明了液压升降舞台的安装与维护。目前,液压升降舞台正朝着长距离,高速度,低摩擦的方向发展。近年来在液压升降舞台的设计、制造以及应用方面,我国与国外先进水平相比仍有较大差距,国内在设计制造液压升降舞台过程中存在着很多不足,因而所需我们努力改进的地方还有很多。 关键词:液压升降舞台 机械结构 液压系统原理 电气控制 The System Of Hydraulic Elevator Sage HYPERLINK app:ds:abstractAbstract This graduates design is about the system of hydraulic elevator stage.Firstly it HYPERLINK app:ds:introduceintroduces the hydraulic elevator stage in outline.Then this design analyses the basic structure and technological parameters of hydraulic elevator stage. After that it does a lot of computation about the system of hydraulic on the basis of he basic structure and technological parameters so that we can choose the hydraulic component.Afterwards it did a lot of examine about the performance of the hydraulic elevator stage.When examine meet the requirement ,this design presents the key diagram and electric controlling system diagram of hydraulic elevator stage system,besides,it also make a detailed analysis。Finally, this paper briefly explain the installation and maintenance of the hydraulic elevator stage.At present,the hydraulic elevator stage is developing toward Long distance, high speed, low friction.In recent years ,at the design, manufacturing and application of the hydraulic elevator stage,Our country and foreign advanced level still lags far behind.there are many shortcomings in the process of designing and making hydraulic elevator stage in our country.So we needed to improve in many areas. Key Words: hydraulic elevator stage technological parameters key diagram of hydraulic elevator system electric controlling system diagram 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc8839 摘


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