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摘 要 北宋国子监画学,是世界上最早的高等美术教学机构,建立于社会相对安定,经济 繁荣,城市文化生活空前活跃的北宋中期。它依照北宋国子监的办学经验,探索出了一 套比较完整、系统的教学体制和管理体制,如其招生制度、课程设置、考试制度、奖罚 制度等等,有着许多值得我们借鉴的地方。 鉴古可以知今,深入研究北宋国子监画学,尤其是其管理制度与教学制度,可以给 予我国当代高等美术教育以启示,对繁荣发展独具中国特色的绘画艺术,推动社会主义 文化大发展大繁荣具有深远意义。 绪论部分包括本选题的研究价值、研究现状、论文的创新之处以及研究方法。 正文部分共分为四章。第一章对北宋国子监画学的存在背景进行全面分析,为下文 对其教学制度与管理制度的分析做铺垫。第二、三章分析了北宋国子监画学的管理制度 与教学制度,及其各项具体制度之所以存在的背景及原因。第四章归纳了其教育制度的 当代价值,将凡是有益于当代高等美术教育发展的经验借鉴过来,以期能为民族优秀绘 画传统在当代教学与管理等环节上的具体实施提供理论依据,更好地推动中国画教育的 发展,为构建独具民族特色的美术教育事业添砖加瓦。 关键词:北宋国子监画学的兴办,教学制度,管理制度,当代价值 IV ABSTRACT Northern Song Dynasty Imperial Painting College, is the worlds oldest institutions of higher art education, its established in the middle period of the Dynasty with relative social stability, economic prosperity and unprecedent active city cultural life. Its in accordance with the education experience of Northern Song Imperial College, and explored a set of relatively complete system of teaching and management, such as its enrollment system, curriculum, educational philosophy, the examination system, reward and punishment system, etc., there are many places we can learn from. Kam-old knows this, in-depth study of the Northern Song Dynasty Imperial Painting College, especially its management system, and educational system, can give inspiration to our contemporary higher art education, and have far-reaching meaning to the prosperity and development of the art of painting with Chinese characteristics, and promote socialist cultural development. The introduction section includes research value of the topic, current research situation, the papers innovation and research methods. The Body part is divided into four chapters.The first chapter is the comprehensive analysis the background of Northern Song Dynasty Imperial Painting College and lays the groundwork for the following analysis of the education and management system.In the Chapter II and III ,the management and education systems are analyzed, as well as the background and reasons of the existing o



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