
英国文学史Lecture 3 William Wordsworth(II)概要1.ppt

英国文学史Lecture 3 William Wordsworth(II)概要1.ppt

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英国文学史Lecture 3 William Wordsworth(II)概要1

Byronic hero (Con.) The literary history of the Byronic hero in English can be traced from Milton, especially Miltons interpretation of Lucifer as having justified complaint against God. Byrons influence was manifested by many authors and artists of the Romantic movement during the 19th century and beyond. An example of such a hero is Heathcliff from Emily Bront?s Wuthering Heights. Byronic hero :The figure of the Byronic hero pervades much of Byrons work, and Byron himself is considered to epitomise many of the characteristics of this literary figure. Scholars have traced the literary history of the Byronic hero from John Milton, and many authors and artists of the Romantic movement show Byrons influence during the 19th century and beyond, including Charlotte and Emily Bront?. (With Women) Byron had always been susceptible to women and attractive to them The young bachelor had romances and liaisons with several women, many of them married. It is rumored that in 1813 he had an incestuous affair with his half-sister, Augusta Leigh. This idea is furthered by themes of incest and forbidden love that appear in several of Byrons poems. Byron married Annabella Milbanke in early 1815, and they had a daughter named Ada. But within a year the marriage had dissolved and they were separated. The next few years were spent mostly in Venice, where Byron conducted various love-affairs. At eight years of age he was violently in love with a young girl named Mary Duff. At ten his cousin, Margaret Parker, excited in him a strange, un-childish passion. At fifteen came one of the greatest crises of his life, when he became enamored of Mary Chaworth, whose grand-father had been killed in a duel by Byron’s great-uncle. attractive Anne Isabella Milbanke Claire Clairmont Augusta Leigh Lady Caroline Lamb Appearance lovers 5?feet 11?inches (1.80?m) 9.5?stone (60?kg) Blue eyes athletic His wife Half-sister “我一个对抗你们全体”——拜伦 拜伦(1788—1824)是如暴风一般轰响在19世纪初叶英国诗坛上的巨擘。他被歌德誉为“19世纪最富天才的诗人”,普希金奉


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