机械毕业设计(论文)-装卸工件机械手设计【全套图纸】 .doc.doc

机械毕业设计(论文)-装卸工件机械手设计【全套图纸】 .doc.doc

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机械毕业设计(论文)-装卸工件机械手设计【全套图纸】 .doc

装卸工件机械手设计 摘 要 工业机器人自本世纪60年代初问世以来,已有80万余台用于世界各国的自动化生产线上,扮演着灵巧自如、不知疲倦“操作者”的角色,替代生产工人出色的完成极其繁重、复杂、精密或者充满着危险的各种各样的工作。不同用途的工业机器人正在工业生产中起到其它机器无法替代的作用。一般机器人由基座、腰、臂、腕和手五部分组成。腰和臂控制手的空间位置,腕控制手的空间姿态,而手则是实现对操作物体的抓放。本文设计的是装卸工件机械手,根据设计要求本文制定了一个由液压系统控制夹爪松开、夹紧物体的设计方案,对手部、腕部及整体的结构进行了设计,同时对其主要零部件进行了选择、设计和计算,内容包括液压系统的设计计算,轴的设计和校核,对设计的液压控制系统进行了分析与编程等。通过分析计算可以得出结论,此次设计基本满足设计要求。 关键词:装卸;工业机器人;机械手 全套图纸,加153893706 The design of the manipulator for loading and unloading workpiece Abstract Since the beginning of 1960s, more than 800000 industrial robots have been used on automatic production lines of many countries all over the world, playing a role dexterous and as a free “operator” who has no sense of tireness. It can also accomplish various works that are very arduous and complicated or even full of danger instead of workers. The different application of industry robots to industrial production is playing an important role of which other machines are unable to take the place. The common robot basically consists of the waist, the arm, the wrist and the hand. Waist and arm control space position, while wrist controls special attitude, and the hand is used to realize grasping or putting objects. The design of this article is the mechanical arm of loading and unloading workpiece. According to the design requirements a schematic design has been developed with a hydraulic system controlling the claws from releasing and clamping objects, also it has been carried on the design to the structure of the hand, the wrist, and the whole. The contents including the selection of prime movers, design and check of gears, belts, and axes, the economic analysis to the feasibility of design proposal. Conclusions can be drawn through the computational analysis and this design can by and large meet the needs of the design request. Key words:load and unload;Industrial robot ;manipulator 目录 TOC \o 1-5 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc294988618 1 绪论 PAGEREF _Toc294988618 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc294988619 1.1 选题的背景、目


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