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幼儿教育精选 小学教育精选 幼儿教育精选 小学教育精选 幼儿教育精选 小学教育精选 幼儿教育精选 小学教育精选 幼儿教育精选 小学教育精选 幼儿教育精选 小学教育精选 幼儿教育精选 小学教育精选 幼儿教育精选 小学教育精选 幼儿教育精选 小学教育精选 幼儿教育精选 小学教育精选 幼儿教育精选 小学教育精选 幼儿教育精选 小学教育精选 幼儿教育精选 小学教育精选 小升初重点词汇复习 * have to:_________ 浇花:____________ look for:___________ 扫地:_____________ in front of:___________ 打扫卧室:__________ do homework:____________ 做运动:____________ empty the trash:___________上英语课:__________ cook the meals:_____________ 爬山:______________ play chess:______________ 弹钢琴:________________ eat dinner:_______________去购物:_______________ on the third floor:_________植树:_________________ 第26路公交车:_________ 堆雪人:________________ National Day:___________ 画画:__________________ 不得不,必须 water flowers clean the room 在…前面 sweep the floor 做家作 play sports 倒垃圾 have an English class 做晚饭 climb mountain 下 棋 play the piano 吃晚饭 go shopping 在第三层 plant trees No.26 bus make a snowman 国庆节 draw pictures 寻 找 * July 4th :_____________ 接电话:_________________ Pick up leaves:_________ 写信:__________________ Catch butterflies:__________野餐:__________________ Watch insets:________ 数昆虫:_________________ 交通灯:_______________ 笔直走:__________________ turn right:______________next week:_______________ 读杂志:_______________拉小提琴:_______________ 去旅行:________________集邮:_________________ read newspapers:________make kites:______________ come from:____________far from:________________ 去看电影:____________ see the doctor:______________ 7月4号 采摘树叶 answer the phone write a letter 抓蝴蝶 have a picnic 观察昆虫 count insects traffic lights go straight 向右转 下周 read a magazine play the violin take a trip collect stamps 读杂志 离…远 制作风筝 来自于 go to the cinema 看医生 * look up dictionary:_______east of the hospital:_________+ 头疼:_________________ 感冒:_________________ 发烧:_________________洗衣服:________________ went fishing:____________照相:_________________ 去滑雪:_______________买礼物:______________ want to+ 动词原形 :____________would like:____________ on your holiday:___________stay in bed:_


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