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七年级(18)班 黄梓豪 新西兰 North Island and south island volcano hot springs, glaciers and lakes. New Zealand is a temperate maritime temperate broad-leaved forest climate. Summer average temperature 25 degrees Celsius, 10 degrees Celsius in winter, the annual temperature difference is generally not more than 15. Local annual average rainfall of 1500 - 640 mm 国家概况 The New Zealand, also known as New Zealand National Anthem: New Zealand and God save the Queen Language: English National Day: February 6th Population: 4 million 500 thousand Area: 268680 square kilometers Currency: New Zealand $1 New Zealand yuan =4.4033 yuan New Zealands pleasant climate, the four seasons like spring, is a very good leisure resort has the worlds edge of the country, the country of green garden, the town of white clouds. New Zealand because of its animal husbandry developed, there is the country of animal husbandry, the country of sheep title. The implementation of constitutional monarchy, the queen of England as the Prime Minister of his country December 22, 1972, New Zealand and China established diplomatic relations. New Zealands national flag is rectangular, and the ratio of length to width is 2:1. Its base is deep blue, above and to the left for the British flag. On the right is the fourth single edged with white five pointed star of red, four stars arranged asymmetrically. New Zealand is a member of the Commonwealth, m word patterns show that the traditional relations with Britain; four stars said the Southern Cross constellation, show that the country is located in the southern hemisphere, but also a symbol of independence and hope. 国旗 农业 New Zealand is a modern, prosperous developed country. Animal husbandry is developed, is the foundation of New Zealands economy, dairy products and meat is the most important export products. New Zealand is rich in fish, the worlds fourth largest exclusive economic zone. The export volume of dairy products and coarse wool ranks first in


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