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Test One Part A Eight Short Conversations: Key: 1-8 A, C, C, B, D, D, B, D Tapescripts: W: The sports meet will be held on Thursday, Nov. 20th. M: You’re right. That’s the day after tomorrow. Q: What date is it today? W: The train is leaving in half an hour. M: You’re right. It’s a quarter to ten now. Q: When will the train leave? M: Do you like Professor Zhang’s classes? W: I never miss her class, you know. Q: What do you learn from the conversation? M: Well, what did you think of the party? W: I don’t know why I let you talk me into going. I felt quite out of place there. Q: What do you learn from the conversation? W: Chen Lin has a great sense of humor, doesn’t she? M: I couldn’t agree more. Q: What can you learn from the conversation? M: I was surprised that Laura and David have become good friends. W: I know. They didn’t use to get along well, did they? Q: What do you know about Laura and David from the conversation? W: I need to advertise for a roommate for next semester. M: Why bother? Sandy is interested? Q: What does the man mean? W: Do you really mean you want to quit the job? M: Well, maybe I’d better give it a second thought. Q: What is the man going to do? Part B Long Conversations: Keys: Conversation 1 9-12 A, D, B, D Keys: Conversation 2 13-15 B, C, D Tapescripts: Conversation 1 M: Good morning, Susan. How’s it going? W: Pretty good, Bill. How about you? M: Oh, I’m OK. I have to teach five classes(10.d) today, so I’m really busy. How is that English class you’re teaching(9, a)? W: It’s going really well. I have a great class this year. I’ve got 30 students, and most of them are putting a lot of time into their work.(12, d) M: That’s great. I love to teach English(9, a). Right now I’m only teaching history, but I hope I can teach English next year. (9, a) (11, b) W: Well, it can be a lot of fun when the students want to learn. M: Yes, you’re right. Oh, I’ve got a class in a few minutes. I’ve got to get going. Have a good morning. W:


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