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* * 2 One of the activities of the ATSC is exploring the need for and, where appropriate, coordinating the development of voluntary national technical standards for Advanced Television Systems (ATV).1 ATSC(先进电视系统委员会)的工作之一就是寻求对ATV(先进电视系统)的非强制性国家技术标准的需要并在适当的情况下协调这种开发工作。 * 2 The ATSC Executive Committee assigned the work of documenting the U.S. ATV standard to a number of specialist groups working under the Technology Group on Distribution (T3). The Audio Specialist Group (T3/S7) was charged with documenting the ATV audio standard. 起草美国ATV标准的工作 * 3 This document was prepared initially by the Audio Specialist Group as part of its efforts to document the United States Advanced Television broadcast standard. It was approved by the Technology Group on Distribution on September 26, 1994, and by the full ATSC Membership as an ATSC Standard on November 10, 1994. 作为制定美国ATV广播标准的一部分 * 3 Annex A, “AC-3 Elementary Streams in an MPEG-2 Multiplex,” was approved by the Technology Group on Distribution on February 23, 1995, and by the full ATSC Membership on April 12, 1995. Annex B, “AC-3 Data Stream in IEC958 Interface,” and Annex C, “AC-3 Karaoke Mode,” were approved by the Technology Group on Distribution on October 24, 1995 and by the full ATSC Membership on December 20, 1995. * 3 ATSC Standard A/53, Digital Television Standard for HDTV Transmission, references this document and describes how the audio coding algorithm described herein is applied in the U.S. ATV standard. 引用了本文件并叙述了本文件所述的音频编码算法应如何用于美国ATV标准 * 4 At the time of release of this document, the system description contained herein had not been verified by the transmission of signals from independently developed encoders to separately developed decoders. 本文所述系统尚未经过由独立开发的编码器到分别开发的解码器之间进行信号传输的验证 * 5 Motivation In order to more efficiently broadcast or record audio signals, the amount of information required to represent the audio signals may be reduced. 需要减少用于表示音频的信息量 * 5 In the case of digital audio signals, the amo



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