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1.In pairs discuss what they have in common. In common 常常同have连用,如: have nothing in common have little in common have something in common  have a lot in common 无共同之处 几乎无共同之处 有一些共同之处  有许多共同之处 2. The twins_______________________ have much/ a lot in common with each other 1. You know, princess Han Xiang ,you and I _________________________(有一些共同之处/臭味相投) have something in common (1)They have a lot________ and became good friends very soon. in common B. in case C. in surprise D. in interest (2)We are______________ (普通人), but we can do something well. (3)_____________________________ (和多数英国人一样), he enjoys football. (5)Snow____________ (常见) in cold countries. common people In common with most Englishmen is common common sense 常识 2.Although I was young, I could_________ difficult sums. simplify Vt. 简化 adj. simple 简单的,朴素的 pure(纯净的) purify(使纯净,提纯;使纯洁) in sum/to sum up a large sum of 总之 He gave me a large sum of food. 大量,许多(不可数名词) 3.intelligence n.智力;聪明 intelligent adj.有智力的;聪明的;理解力强的 ①He is a person of high intelligence. 他是个极聪明的人。 4.My real father Alan Turing, wrote a book about how I could be made to work as… 感官动词(see/ watch/ hear等)与使役动词(make/ let /have)后接do,而在被动语态中必须有to. They heard the man sing a song. The man was heard to sing a song. 5. From then on, I grew rapidly both in size and in brainpower. since from …on: 一般过去时/将来时 完成时 你的人生将会从此改变。 Your life will change from now on. 从那时起,他们就再没有见过面。 From then on ,they didn’t see each other again. Since then, they haven’t seen each other again. 1.. ____________________________(时间一周周过去了) He ____________me, but he didn’t notice me(从我身边经过) 3. He didn’t let _____________________-(错过这个机会) The weeks went by slowly went by the opportunity go by 1.(时间)逝去,过去 2.走过,经过 3.(机会等)轻易错过 6. As time went by ,I was made smaller. 随着时间的流逝,….. =With time going by (1)With the time________, our anxiety grew. goes by B. going by C.has gone by D.had gone by (2)Three months__________ before we knew it. A


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