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章 序 名 称 New Horizon College English Unit 2 The confusing pursuit of beauty 周 次 第 5 周 至 第 7 周 教 学 目 的 要 求 1. To further understand the text 2. To apply the phrases and patterns 3. To master the essay writing skill 教 学 重 点 1. To talk about beauty 2. To compare the similarities of two or more items 3. To apply new expressions 教 学 难 点 1. New expressions acquisition 2. Unfolding an essay through comparison 教学场所环境 In the Multi-media classroom or language laboratory English-speaking environment 授 课 方 式 课堂讲授(√);实验( );实践( );双语(√) 课时分配 6节 教 学 方 法 Teaching and Practice 教学手段 网络教学( );多媒体(√) 教 学 用 具 Multimedia, blackboard 教 学 内 容 提 要 备注 Unit 2 Section A: The confusing pursuit of beauty Part One: Introduction to the Text When a woman asks a man how she looks, it is very hard for the man to answer. Men do not think of their looks in the same way as women do. The differences between how women and men view their own looks are caused by complex psychological and societal factors. Differences in care for details in women’s appearance. There is no easy way for a man to answer a woman’s question of how she looks. Part Two: Objectives Learning Targets Objectives: To further understand the text To apply the phrases and patterns To master the essay writing skill Learning Targets: ◆ Words acquisition ◆ Learn to compare similarities between two (or more) items Part Three: New Expressions There is no easy way for a man to answer a woman’s question of how she looks. (Para. 11) excuse oneself para2 politely say that you are going to leave a place 礼貌的告辞 甜点上来之前她就礼貌的告辞了,她说自己太累了。 She excused herself before dessert was served, saying that she was too tired. rehearsal para2 排练,排演 学校合唱队没有足够的排练时间来准备公开演出。 The school choir does not have enough rehearsal time to prepare for public performances. come up with para2 1. 想出,提出(主意或答案) 村民们十分感激那个提议在河上建这座桥的人。 The villagers feel greatly thankful for the man who came up with the idea t


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