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Bertrand Russell “To be without some of the things you want is an indispensable part of happiness 想要而没有的东西是幸福不可缺少的一部分” Who is Russell? A British philosopher, logician, essayist, and social critic Best known for his work in mathematical logic and analytic philosophy Be generally recognized as one of the founders of analytic philosophy. Russell’s Paradox Bertrand Russells discovery of this paradox in 1901 The paradox arises by considering the set of all sets that are not members of themselves. Such a set appears to be a member of itself if and only if it is not a member of itself, hence a paradox. 罗素悖论 ?罗素悖论,广为人知的是其通俗形式,即理发师悖论。理发师悖论是说:有一个理发师给自己定了个规则,他只给那些不给自己刮脸的人刮脸,而不给那些给自己刮脸的人刮脸。这规则就导出了一个矛盾,他是否该给自己刮脸?如果他自己刮脸的话,那么他属于“给自己刮脸”的人,因而按规则,他就不该给自己刮脸;如果他自己不刮脸的话,那么他属于“不给自己刮脸”的人,因而按规则,他就应该给自己刮脸。如此一来,理发师就陷入了怪圈,他给自己刮脸不对,不给自己刮脸也不对,总之他就是个错误的存在。    A brief account of Russells life 1872 Born in Wales 1874-1876 Death of his mother, sister and father 1876 Grandparents get custody 1894 Completes the Moral Sciences Tripos 1901 Discovers Russells paradox 1916-1918 Fined and imprisoned for anti-war protests 1949 Awarded the Order of Merit.(功勋奖章) 1950 Awarded the Nobel Prize for literature 1961 Imprisoned for connections to antinuclear protests 1970 Died in Wales Best-selling Books The Problems of Philosophy This book gives russell’s view on philosophical subjects and value of philosophical knowledge


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