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2.精读 查阅词汇,解析长难句 3.模板句型背诵及模仿(写作素材) * 经典重现 2007年考研阅读真题第3篇,文章最后一段: “From the middle-class family perspective, much of this, understandably, looks far less like an opportunity to exercise more financial responsibility, and a good deal more like a frightening acceleration of the whole scale shift of financial risk onto their already overburdened shoulders.” * 此句的主语是much of this,其中的结构“looks far less like”,“a good deal more like”,可翻译为“看起来不像是...而更像是。 可取代传统比较结构less…than… 2005年“养老足球赛”结尾模仿 * From our conscientious perspective, much of this behavior, undoubtedly, looks far less like an opportunity to practice more reasonable distribution of elder-caring responsibility, but a good deal more like a threatening acceleration of the wholescale degeneration as to the issue of Chinas traditional virtue --- respecting the elders ! * 4. 研究选项答案(阅读理解) * Capability first, then skill goes. 感情色彩 细节服从主旨 逻辑关系 * 感情色彩 31.The picture of the reading ability of the American people, drawn by the author, is__. rather bleak ↓ fairly bright ↑ very impressive ↑ quite encouraging ↑ * Key: checkout Passage 2 21.According to Paragraph 2 ,what is the general attitude towards business on campuses dominated by purer disciplines? A. envious C. realistic B. scornful D. appreciative * Key: checkout Passage 2 21.According to Paragraph 2 ,what is the general attitude towards business on campuses dominated by purer disciplines? A. envious C. realistic B. scornful D. appreciative * 细节服从主旨 * 2004年考研英语第四篇文章全文第一句: Americans today don’t place a very high value on intellect. 使用这句话就可以帮我们立刻解决两个题 57. We can learn from the text that Americans have a history of ________ [A] undervaluing intellect. [B] favoring intellectualism. [C] supporting school reform. [D] suppressing native intelligence. * 2004年考研英语第四篇文章全文第一句: Americans today don’t place a very high value on intellect. 使用这句话就可以帮我们立刻解决两个题 57. We can learn from the text that Americans have a history o


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