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Organizational Structures of the Future: Overall Themes Leaner, flatter, and more responsive to change Empowerment Reengineered work processes Self-directed work teams Rapid incorporation of new technologies Networking with outsiders Fewer barriers between different vertical ranks A capacity for change and rapid learning Collaborative efforts among people in different functional specialties and geographic locations Extensive use of Internet technology and e-commerce business practices Decentralization with fewer managers 近代組織之發展與變化方向 高度趨於扁平 (層級縮短、專業取向) 基層趨於擴大 (加速反應、擴大廣度) 規模趨於兩極 (保持彈性、降低成本) 功能趨於簡化 (業務外包、集中焦點) 中階傾向於減少 (資訊替代、平階領導) 虛擬組織常存 (策略聯盟、資源整合) 人員趨向多能 (科際整合、智價革命) 橫向組織盛行 (團隊運作、虛擬組織) 集權化趨於分權 (社區意識、自主意識) 分工明確漸趨模糊 (鼓勵參與、績效導向) Trends in Organization Design 組織設計的趨勢 Contemporary organizing trends include: Shorter chains of command 指揮鏈縮短 Less unity of command 不再強調統一指揮 Wider spans of control 控制幅度變寬 More delegation and empowerment 較大的授權 Decentralization with centralization 分權也集權 Reduced use of staff 幕僚減少 Trends in Organization Design 組織設計的趨勢 Chains of Command 指揮鏈 Old Principle 過去的原則 Scalar Principle clear chains of command covers everyone in the organization from top to bottom. Problem: works are more complex lead to Red Tape or delay. Current organizing trend 目前趨勢 Organizations are being “streamlined” by cutting unnecessary levels of management 減少管理層級. Flatter structures are viewed as a competitive advantage 組織扁平化. Trends in Organization Design 組織設計的趨勢 Unity of Command 統一指揮 Old Principle 過去的原則 Unity of command Each person in an organization should report to one and only one supervisor. Current organizing trend 目前趨勢 Organizations are using more cross-functional teams, task forces, and horizontal structures 使用跨功能團隊、水平結構. Organizations are becoming more customer conscious 顧客導向. Employees often find themselves working for more than one boss 員工向一位以上的主管負責. Trends in Organization Design 組織設計的趨勢 Spans of control 控制幅度 The number of persons report


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