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PAGE PAGE 4 油茶优良无性系采穗圃的营建与管理* 谢金兰 张冬生 陈桂琼 丁文恩 陈桂琼饶卫芳 温伟文 饶卫芳 黄锦荣 林 立 张钦源 (广东省梅州市林业科学研究所 广东梅州 514011) 摘要 近年来,油茶产业迅速升温,良种苗木的缺乏制约了对油茶产业的发展,形成了一个瓶颈,油茶产业能否又好又快地发展,良种壮苗和适地适树适种源,特别是良种采穗圃建设与管理是关键因素。文章综述了油茶优良无性系采穗圃品种配置方法、营建、管理、采穗以及建档等。 关键词 油茶 优良无性系 采穗圃 营建 管理 Camellia oleifera Fine by the Ears of the Clones Establisment and ManagementEstablisment and Management of Fine Clones Cutting Orchard of Camellia oleifera Xie Jinlan Zhang Dongsheng Chen Guiqiong Ding Wenˊen Rao Weifang Chen Guiqiong Wen Weiwen Rao Weifang Huang Jinrong Lin Li Zhang Qinyuan (Guangdong Province Meizhou Forest Science Research Institute,Guangdong Meizhou ,514011) Abstract: Camellia oleifera industries are rapidly warming in recent years, industry and well-bred naeki Camellia oleifera industry to develop into a bottleneck, Camellia oleifera industry will be good and quickly develop, and well-bred strongseedlings with in the trees the provenance, especially the merge the two heads of the construction and management is crucial. this paper provides an overview of the clones Camellia oleifera fine gathering of heads of the configuration and establisment, management, the two heads, and documenting, etc.Camellia oleifera industries are rapidly warming in recent years, industry and well--bred naeki the shortage of the industrial development, and well--bred Camellia. oleifera strongseedlings with in the trees the provenance, especially cutting orchard of the construction and management is the key factors. tThis paper provides an overview of the clones Camellia. oleifera fine gathering of heads of the configuration and establisment, management, cutting, and documenting, etc. Key words: Camellia oleifera,fine clones,cutting orchard,establisment,management 油茶(Camellia oleifera Abel.)属山茶科山茶属(Camellia L.)油料植物,常绿小乔木,四季常青、根系发达,耐干旱瘠薄,适生范围广,寿命长,可以吸收二氧化碳、释放氧气,涵养水源、保持水土,集生态效益、社会效益和经济效益于一身[1]。油茶优良无性系采穗圃是指选用适应当地生长的优树的、优良无性系、的优良品种的种条,用无性繁殖方法建立的,生产扦插或嫁接苗穗条的繁殖基地。油茶采穗圃依据营建方法不同分为


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