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印染废水达标处理和回用技术研究   摘 要:以印染废水为主的综合废水采用生化与物化相结合的处理工艺进行达标处理.对该废水首先进行中和处理,再采用A/O工艺处理,厌氧处理COD????Cr去除率一般在15%~20%左右;好氧生物处理COD????Cr的去除率在60%~70%,BOD??5去除率达到90%以上.运行结果表明,该工艺处理效果稳定,处理出水达到了《纺织染整工业水污染物排放标准》的一级标准.同时,对印染厂预处理后废水在以砂过滤、臭氧氧化等作为预处理的前提下,采用集成膜(连续超微滤+反渗透)为核心的深度处理,经研究发现深度处理出水可回用于印染加工过程,这为印染废水的达标处理和回用技术提供了相应工程资料.   关 键 词:印染废水; 达标处理; 回用技术   中图分类号:X?@703; X?@131.2   文献标志码:A   文章编号:1008??9497(2010)03??306??04   ZHOU Ji??wei??1, LU Rong??jie??1, YANG Yue??ping??1, ZHANG Zhen????1,2, XU Xin??hua????1*(1.Department of Environmental Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China; 2.College of Life Sciences, Taizhou University, Linhai 317000, Zhejiang Province, China)Study on standard treatment and reuse technology of dyeing wastewater   .Journal of Zhejiang ??University(Science Edition), 2010,37(3):306-309   Abstract: To get some practical engineering data on the standard treatment and reuse technology of dyeing wastewater, the dyeing wastewater was treated by biochemical and physical??chemical system. The wastewater was firstly neutralised to gain appropriate pH conditions fit for biochemical treatment. Then through anaerobic treatment, the removal rate of COD????Cr was about 15%-20%. Subsequently, through aerobic biological treatment, the removal rates of COD????Cr and BOD??5 were 60%-70% and 90% respectively. The two??year operation results showed that the process was effective and stable, the water quality of effluent is reached the first standard of the Discharge of ??Water Pollutants for Dyeing and Finishing of Textile Industry. Meanwhile, the reuse technology was applied by integrated membrane (continuous ultrafine membrane+reverse osmosis) treatment processes after pretreatment by sand filtration, ozone oxidation, etc. The results indicate that the reuse processes are effective and stable, the ??effluent water can be used in the production process of dyeing.   Key Words: dyeing wastewater; standard treatment; reuse technology   0 引 言   我国是纺织印染业的第一大国,



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