中国大城市住房发展评估review of housing development of china#39;s.pdf

中国大城市住房发展评估review of housing development of china#39;s.pdf

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中国大城市住房发展评估 葛震明 同济大学经济与管理学院 上海 200092 摘 要 人口剧增和城市化加快而带来的城市住房问题,已经成为世界各国和地区最关注的焦点 之一。尤其是在近年来经济持续增长而人口众多的发展中国家(如中国、印度、印尼、埃及、 巴西、阿根廷等),人口迅速向经济发展较快的大城市集中,使住房发展就变为复杂、艰巨 和困难。 这些快速膨胀的大城市的住房的发展不仅取决于国家和地区的经济发展水平,更反映了 相关政府协调政治、经济和社会等城市综合发展的战略方针的合理性,一级实施发展目标的 相关政策、措施的效果和效率。 本文以中国经济最发达的大城市之一上海为例,评估其城市住房发展的全过程、主要 特点、存在问题以及成因,尤其是政府的战略、政策的作用和效果。 关键词:住房、城市住房发展,评估,信息不对称、住房(物业)管理 Review of housing development of China’s megacities Taking Shanghai as an example Abstract With population increasing rapidly and urbanization accelerating. Housing problem has one of the world wide main locus. Especially in those developing countries with numerous population and rapid economy growth. Such a China 、India 、,Egypt、a great number of people have immigrated into those large cities economy. The housing development there has been more difficult and complex. How to isolate the housing problem in there megacities with booming population not only depends on economy growth、and mainly is decided by the relevant strategy and policies of Government. This paper is taking Shanghai, one of China’s megacities, as an example to review its housing development. That is to analyze whole process and the features, to list the main problems and sources role. Key words: Housing、urban Housing development、Review, information Symmetry、 Housing( Property)management. 1 一、概述 全球人口剧增,经济增长和城市化加快是同步的三驾马车,2008 年是城市化的一个新 里程碑,超过 50%的人(约略 35 亿)居住在城市,如图所示: 城市人口 年份 图 1、城市化发展 资料来源


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