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PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 Unit One:Education Text:In Praise of the F Word对F的赞美 Tens of thousands of 18-year-olds will graduate this year and be handed meaningless diplomas. These diplomas won’t look any different from those awarded their luckier classmates.Their validity will be questioned only when their employers discover that these graduates are semiliterate. 今年,将有成千上万的18岁学生毕业并被授于毫无意义的文凭。这些文凭对每个人都是一样的 ,没有一点差别, 而不管学生的成绩如何.但当雇主发现他们没有实际能力时,文凭的有效性就会被质疑。 Eventually a fortunate few will find their way into educational repair shops-adult-literacy programs, such as the one where I teach basic grammar and writing. There, high school graduates and high school dropouts pursuing graduate-equivalency certificates will learn the skills they should have learned in school . They will also discover they have been cheated by our educational system. 即使少数幸运的人找到了成人进修的地方,像我教语法和写作的地方。在这里,高中毕业和高中辍学的学生为了追求等价的毕业证书必需学习他们本应该在学校学习的东西。他们会发现自己被我们的教育系统所欺骗。 As I teach,I learn a lot about our schools.Early in each session I ask my students to write about an unpleasant experience they had in school . No writers’ block here! “ I wish someone would have had made me stop doing drugs and made me study .” ”I liked to party and no one seemed to care .” “I was a good kid and didn’t cause any trouble,so they just passed me along even though I didn’t read well and couldn’t write.” And so on. 当我教他们的时候,我从我们的课堂上学到了很多。在每次开班,首先我会让学生写一下关于他们在学校的一次很不愉快的经历。每个学生都会有这样的经历。有人说:“我希望有一个人可以使我停止吸毒,让我好好学习。”;有人说:“我喜欢聚会,但好像没有人注意过我”;有人说:“我是一个好孩子,没有制造过任何麻烦。所以尽管学习不好,考试还是让我通过。”等等。 I am your basic do-gooder, and prior to teaching this class I blamed the poor academic skills our kids have today on drugs ,divorce and other impediments to concentration necessary for doing well in school. But ,as I rediscover each time I walk into the classroom ,before a teacher can expect students to concentrate ,he has to get their attention ,no matter what distractions may be at hand .There are many wa


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