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報酬制度:形式、基礎、及報酬的分佈 除了績效外,還有哪些因素可以作為制訂薪資的依據? 何種因素決定薪資的水準、基礎、分佈、及形式? 報酬在組織內的分佈情形是否應該完全讓員工知悉? 薪資報償的基礎:工作、職位、技能、及年資。 一般公司如何訂定薪資的水準? 先參考同類工作的一般行情,再根據公司的經驗做少許的調整。如果沒有人來應徵,公司可能會將薪酬調高。如果很多人來應徵,公司可能會調低起薪,或者致少不做調整。 有時公司會為了增加招募的應徵人數或減低流動率,會刻意將薪資調高,實施效率薪資(efficiency wage)。如果有工會的壓力,則公司會與工會進行協商。 以上程序似乎遵循供需法則。 薪資報償的基礎:工作、職位、技能、及年資。 Hay Points and Job Evaluation薪點制及工作評估。 地位基礎。 年資基礎。 技能、知識基礎。 薪資報償的基礎:工作、職位、技能、及年資。 薪資報償的基礎:工作、職位、技能、及年資。 Job-based structures tell workers that performing jobs that add greater value to the organization is the way to advance and increase pay A structure based on skills/competencies signals to employees that advancement coupled with pay increases depends on continuously learning relevant information ?The competencies lies within the person, not the work itself Job Evaluation: The process in which the organization decides the relative internal worth relationships of jobs. Worth relates to the importance of the job or its contribution to the overall attainment of the goals and objectives of the organization. Job Evaluation: Q: The usual end result of job evaluation is a hierarchy of jobs or groups of jobs in the organizations. Should these hierarchies be based on the jobs’ content, their value or on some combination of it? Q: Do competencies take on value by virtue of their internal fit with the mission of the organization, by their value in the external market, or by some combination? Q: Is job evaluation a measurement or merely a procedure to establish consensus? 薪點制及工作評估。 透過正式、科學的工作分析及工作評估來設定薪資。 首先找出透過工作分析找出工作的屬性及需求,如需要何種知識、部屬的人數、監管資金預算的多寡、工作場所的舒適度等等…。然後在將所有的工作放在同一個尺度上來衡量其相對價值。 薪點制及工作評估。 Determine Compensable Factors Def 1: Compensable factors are those characteristics in the work that the organization values, that help it pursue its strategy and achieve its objectives. Def 2: Compensable factors are paid-for, measurable qualities, features, requirements, or constructs that are common to many different kinds of jobs Q: What is it about the work th


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