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民间美术与现代美术之比较 ————论文 单 位       题  目  民间美术与现代美术之比较  学生姓名           专业名称    美 术 学       2012年 2 目 录 一、论文正文 1.中文摘要…………………………………………………………(Ⅰ) 2.英文摘要…………………………………………………………(Ⅱ) 3.论文目录…………………………………………………………(Ⅲ) 4.论文………………………………………………………………(1) 5.注释及参考文献…………………………………………………(9) 民间美术与现代美术之比较 (汉阴中学 美术教师:彭世忠) 【摘 要】在现代科技与文化艺术综合发展的今天,西方一些有远识之艺术家,早已将目光投入到东方灿烂多彩的民间艺术,力图创造出具有东方民族风格的现代艺术。长期被冷落以至遗忘的民间美术,又重新被人们估价其在民族文化和社会生活中的地位和价值,人们把这种带有普遍性的再认识称之为反思。究其原因:一方面,在中西文化激烈的撞击中,传统文化中那些富有生命力的东西已逐渐显示出其无与伦比的价值;另一方面,人们的观念伴随着时代的飞跃也必然在改变、更新,在比较和鉴别中,在不断的艺术实践中,逐渐发现在我们民族、民间文化的最深层,埋藏着如此辉煌、博大的新世界。民间美术竟像埋藏于地下的千年美酒一样,散发出浓郁芬芳的醇香。 【关键词】民间美术;现代美术 The folk fine arts and the modern fine arts compare [Abstract] In modern science and technology and cultural art integrated developments today, Western some have the perspicacity artist, already invests the vision the Eastern bright multi-colors the folk art, will absorb moves toward in the future the artistic inspiration. Tries hard to create has the East national style modern art. , down to is treated coldly for a long time the folk fine arts which forgets, is estimated again by the people it in the national culture and the social life status and the value, the people have this kind the universal again understanding to call it the resonsideration . Investigates its reason: At the same time, in the China and the West culture intense hit, in the traditional culture these full of vitalitys thing has demonstrated its unequalled value gradually; On the other hand, peoples idea is following the time leap, also in the change, the renewal, in compares and in inevitably the distinction, in the unceasing artistic practice, discovered gradually in our nationality, the folk cultures most in-depth, is burying so magnificently, great the new world . The folk fine arts bury unexpectedly likely in the underground millennium good wine are the same, send out the rich fragrant fragrance and mellowness. [key word] Folk fine arts Modern fine arts 目 录 论文正文 (1) 一、



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