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Chapter 10 – Human Resource Management 5. Other things for HRM Conflict Avoiding Informing the team Clearly assigning tasks without ambiguity Challenging and interesting work assignments Leadership Skills Directive, Facilitating, Coaching, Supportive Projectized Organization Conflict between PM and Functional Managers Dual Allegiance of team members Complex prioritization of resources Loss of developed procedures on project dissolution Chapter 11 – Project Communications Management 1. Project Communications Management Processes to ensure timely and proper generation, collection, dissemination and disposition of project information General communications management Communications Planning – determining informational needs, who needs what and when; 90% of PM’s time is spent on communicating Information Distribution – making information available Performance Reporting – collecting and disseminating project information Administrative Closure – formalize project/phase completion (continued) 1. Project Communications Management Communication Methods Pick the form of communication that is best for the situation Formal Written – complex problems, all plans, communicating over long distances Formal Verbal – presentations, speeches Informal Written – memos, e-mail, notes Informal Verbal – meetings, conversations Communication Blockers Noise, Distance, Improper en-coding, “bad idea”, Hostility, Language, Culture Chapter 11 – Project Communications Management Chapter 11 – Project Communications Management 2. Communications Planning Determining information requirements of stakeholders Tightly linked with organizational planning There are 5 directions of communication Top down Bottom up The peer Internal External Complex messages need oral, written and non verbal methods Least effective form of communication for complex situations is verbal and formal Chapter 11 – Project Communications Management 2. Communications Planning Inputs Communication requirements Internal and Exte


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