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第 25 卷第 11 期 半 导 体 学 报 V o l. 25, N o. 11 2004 年 11 月 CH IN ESE JOU RNAL O F SEM ICONDU CTOR S N o v. , 2004 Arbitrary Rectil inear Block Pack ing Ba sed on L ess Flex ib il ity F irst Pr inc iples3 Yang Zhong1, 2, Dong Sheqin1 , Hong X ian long1 and W u Youliang3 (1 D ep artm ent of C om p u ter S cience and T echnology , T singhua U niversity , B eij ing 100084, China) (2 G raduate S chool at S henzhen, T singhua U niversity , S henzhen 518057, China) (3 D ep artm ent of C om p u ter S cience and E ng ineering , T he Chinese U niversity of H ong K ong , China) Abstract: T he defin it io n and fo rm u la of flex ib ility of arb it rary rectilinear b lock s are in t roduced and L FF p rincip les are ex tended to handle arb it rary rectilinear b lock s and b lock s w ith relative con strain t s. T he exper im en tal resu lts demon strate the efficiency and effectiveness of the p ropo sed m etho d. Key words: L FF p rincip les; rectilinear b lock pack ing; dete rm in istic p lacem en t algo rithm EEACC: 2570 CCACC: 7410D CLC num ber: TN 405197 D ocum en t code: A Article ID : 025324177 (2004) 1121416207 1 In troduct ion D ue to the layou t com p lex ity in deep subm i2 cron techno lo gy, in tegrated circu it com ponen ts are no t lim ited to rectangu la r b lo ck s. T herefo re new app roaches are essen t ia l in VL S I design to handle arb it rary rectilinear shaped b lo ck s effectively and efficien t ly. U p to now , p lacem en t?f loo rp lann ing w ith rec2 t ilinear b lo ck s has been ex ten sively studied. M o st p rev io u s w o rk s partit io ned a rectilinear b lo ck in to a set of rectangu la r sub2b lo ck s w ith som e con2 strain ts induced from the o rig inal rectilinear b lo ck s. T here is som e literatu re on the rectilinear b lo ck pack ing p rob lem based on w ell2know n rep re2 sen ta t io n s such as co rner b lo ck list (CBL ) [ 4, 5 ] , O 2 T ree[ 6 ] , bound


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