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中南大学 智能系统与智能软件研究所 Artificial Intelligence 段 琢 华 计算机科学学院 2009年10月22日 Lecture 1 State Space and Search Strategies 第1讲 状态空间及其搜索策略 * State Space 状态空间 8-Puzzle Problem 8数码难题 Uninformed Search 盲目搜索 Breadth first searching 宽度优先搜索 Depth first searching 深度优先搜索 Informed Search/Heuristic Search 有信息搜索/启发式搜索 A* Algorithm A* 算法及性质 Heuristic function 启发式函数 Summary 小结 State Space State space contains set of states and there relationship(transition) Set of states Transition/Operator: change from one state to another State space can represented with directed graph E.g Three states of water: Liquid, solid (ice), gas Transitions: Evaporating(蒸发):liquid-gas ; Condensing(冷凝):gas-liquid,liquid-ice; Melting(融化):ice-liquid Fig. 1 Directed Graph of Water State Space Liquid Solid Gas Melting Condensing Condensing Evaporating Example: water jug Given a full 5-gallon jug and an empty 2-gallon jug, the goal is to fill the 2-gallon jug with exactly one gallon of water. State = (x,y), where x is the number of gallons of water in the 5-gallon jug and y is the number of gallons in the 2-gallon jug Initial State = (5,0) Goal State = (*,1), where * means any amount Water Jug State Space (5,0) Initial State (3,2) (3,0) (1,2) (1,0) (0,1) = Goal Pour 2 gallons of water from 5gal. to 2gal. Empty 2 gallon-jug Pour from 5 gal-jug to 2 gal-jug Pour 2 gallons of water from 5gal. to 2gal. Empty 2 gallon-jug 8 puzzle problem 八数码难题 State: 3 × 3 array configuration of the tiles on the board. For example: Operators/transitions: Move Blank square Left Move Blank square Right Move Blank square Up Move Blank square Down 1 2 3 8 4 5 6 7 (a) (b) 1 2 3 8 4 5 6 7 (a) Move Blank squar


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