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alternative : noun : a thing that you can choose to do or have out of two or more possibilities ( 可选择的事物 ) adj : ( also alternate ) 1. especially in that can be used instead of sth. else ( 可代替的 ) alternative energy ( 替代能源 ) 2.different from the usual or traditional way in which sth. is done ( 非传统的 ; 另类的 ) alternative comedy / lifestyle / values ( 非传统喜剧 / 生活方式 / 价值观 ) adv : (alternatively) used to introduce a suggestion that is a second choice or possibility ( 要不 ; 或者 ) alternative fuel (noun )代原料 alternative medicine (noun ) 类医疗 ; 替代疗法 alternator ( noun ) 流发电机 2.Anticipate 1、to expect sth 预料 预期 期盼??vt.???anticipate sth???anticipate doing sth???anticipate sth doing sth??eg :i did not anticipate it being a problem?? = 4 \* GB3 \* MERGEFORMAT ④anticipate that 2、先于....做 早于.....行动??anticipate sb (doing sth )(formal) eg:when he reached south pole he found that Amundsen had anticipated him. 3.Anticipatory adj.预料性的?? ?????????????????????????????????(formal)?????????????????????????????????????????????????? 4、Anticipation??n???预料(the fact of seeing sth that might happen in the future ) ?期盼(a feeling of excitement of sth that going to happen ) 3.attendant : noun : a person whose job is to serve or help people in a public place ( 服务员 ;侍者 ) eg. a person who takes care of and lives or travels with an important person or a sick or disabled person ( 侍从 ; 随从 ; 护理者 ) adj. : closely connected with sth that has just been mentioned ( 伴随的 ;随之而来的 ) attendant problems / risks / circumstances 随之而来的问题 / 风险 / 情况 attendant upon sth : We had all the usual problems attendant upon starting a new business . attend ( verb ) : 出席 ; 经常去,定期去某地 attendee ( noun ) : a person who attends a meeting ,etc. ( 出席者 ; 在场者 ) attender ( noun ) : a person who goes to a place or an event , often on a regular basis ( 常指经常的出席者 ) 4.Blessed 1、adj.?神圣的;?愉快安宁的,无忧无虑的(only before noun) 2、Blessedly adv??幸福地 神圣地 eg;The chicken was warm and blessedl


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