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1. 今天我已邀请了King先生谈论美国的礼2. 有时我们中国人以拥抱的方式问候亲戚或亲密的朋友。3.许多学生为了进一步的学习出国. 4.劳驾,你能告诉我如何去公园吗? 5.很抱歉,我早上打碎了你的杯子。6.对孩子们来说,记住这些电话号码很重要。7.王先生设法避免让他的经理生气. 8.如果你明天不准时在这儿我将给你父亲写信. 1.Today we have invited Mr King to talk about manners in the USA. 2.Sometimes we Chinese greet relatives or close friends with a hug.3. Many students go abroad for further study. 4Excuse me. Can you tell me how to go to the park? 5I’m sorry. I broke your glass this morning. 6. It’s important for children to remember the telephone numbers. 7. Mr Wang tried to avoid making his manager angry. 8.I’ll write to your father if you aren’t here on time tomorrow. 9.你应避免吃这些不健康的食品。10. Andy体质太差了不能搬动这个大箱子。(3种)11.这个问题太难了她不能算出来。12. 当别人讲话时,这个小男孩有足够的耐心仔细听吗?13. 她从不慷慨地和他人分享东西。14. 她太害羞而不能参加讨论。15. Amy的唱歌课太忙而没看电视。16. 不要太激动而不能表达清楚自己。 9.You should avoid eating such unhealthy food. 10.Andy is too weak to carry the big box.= Andy is not strong enough to carry the big box.=Andy is so weak that she can’t carry the big box. 11.This problem is too difficult for her to work out. =This problem isn’t easy enough for her to work out. 12. Is the little boy patient enough to listen carefully when others speak? 13. She is never generous enough to share things with others. 14.She is too shy to join the discussion 15.Amy is too busy with her singing lessons to watch TV. 16.Don’t be too excited to express yourself 1. 今天我已邀请了King先生谈论美国的礼2. 有时我们中国人以拥抱的方式问候亲戚或亲密的朋友。3.许多学生为了进一步的学习出国. 4.劳驾,你能告诉我如何去公园吗? 5.很抱歉,我早上打碎了你的杯子。6.对孩子们来说,记住这些电话号码很重要。7.王先生设法避免让他的经理生气. 8.如果你明天不准时在这儿我将给你父亲写信. 9.你应避免吃这些不健康的食品。10. Andy体质太差了不能搬动这个大箱子。(3种)11.这个问题太难了她不能算出来。12. 当别人讲话时,这个小男孩有足够的耐心仔细听吗?13. 她从不慷慨地和他人分享东西。14. 她太害羞而不能参加讨论。15. Amy的唱歌课太忙而没看电视。16. 不要太激动而不能表达清楚自己。 Unit 5 知识点 …enough to … 足够……能做某事 形容词/副词+enough 这件衬衫对我来说不够大。 This shirt isn’t big enough for me. 形容词/副词+enough to do sth 作为青少年,我们足够大了,可以帮着做家务。 As teenagers, We’re old enough to help with housework. 你现在足够大了,可以学习礼仪了。 You are old enough to learn about manners.


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