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柬埔寨废料处理工业园 柬埔寨王国已开发投资废料处理工业园,可购买建园土地、废料进口许可证、废料处理许可证等文件,现招募合作伙伴。 可进口处理废料如下: 名称 不锈钢废碎料 scrap of stainless stell 废不锈钢下脚料 remnant of scrap stainless steel 其他合金钢废碎料 scrap of alloy steel 铸铁废碎料 scrap of cast iron 废汽车压块 compressed piece of scrap automobile 废铝下脚料 aluminum scrap 废铝压块 compress aluminum 铝废碎料 scrap aluminum 铝废碎料(变速箱外壳和轮毂) cast aluminum(gearbox casing and wheel) 水箱铝 radiator aluminium 镁废碎料 scrap magnesium 镍废碎料 scrap of nickel material 铜废碎料(水箱铜) scrap of copper(radiator copper) 铜废碎料(光亮铜丝) scrap of copper(brass wire) 铜废碎料(铜管) scrap of Cooper(copper tube) 铜废碎料(铜米) scrap of copper(rice copper) 铜废碎料(铜刨花) scrap of copper(paring) 铜废碎料(铜丝) scrap of copper(brass wire) 铜废碎料(铜五金杂件) scrap of copper from industry 变压器芯 transformer core 废五金 metal and electrical appliance scrap 散热器 air cooling fin 电机定子 electric motor stator 废电机 waste electric motors 废电线电缆 waste wires and cables ABS电脑机碎料 shredded plastic computer shell 彩印膜 color film 残品料 plastic inferior products 打包带 baler strip 废鞋楦 waste plastic shoe trees 光盘机料 compact disc case 机头料 plastic leftover 落地粒 plastic granules 瓶胚残次品 waste bottle embryo 破碎料 sharedded plastic 下脚料 plastic remnant products 压缩泡沫塑料 compressed EPS foam 废塑料边角料 plastic inferior products 废塑料膜 plastic film 废塑料瓶片 sherdded bottle 废塑料杂件 mixed plastic


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