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How Does an Airport Generate Income Breakdown of Airport Main Costs (机场主要成本分解) Capital cost construction or expansion of airport infrastructure operational cost -maintenance of the above assets -Utilities -Materials and supplies -Salaries and wages of airport personnel revenues aeronautical revenues (航空性收入) non-aeronautical revenues (非航空性收入/商业收入) aeronautical revenues (航空性收入) aircraft landing fees aircraft parking fees terminal fees/passengar charges other aeronautical charges aeronautical revenues (航空性收入) aircraft landing fees aircraft parking fees terminal fees/passengar charges other aeronautical charges aircraft landing fees(飞机起降费) ?Based on the weight of the aircraft, typically the maximum takeoff weight(MTOW) . ? However, some airports especially in the United States use the maximum landing weight(MLW). which aircrafts landing fee is higher? Boeing 747 机头大,机身窄 大脑袋 MTOW:351,535KG C919 MTOW:72,500KG-77,300KG aircraft parking fees(飞机停场费) ?free-parking period for two to six hours ?based on the aircrafts weight or less often on its area, which is wingspan times length(翼展×机身长度). terminal fees/passengar charges(旅客服务费) ?based on the number of passengers ?normally charged on each departing passenger only, though a small number of airports charge on the basis of arriving passengers 3 ways to levy the passenger charge by the passenger to the airport authority on departure by the airline on behalf of the airport by the airport on the airlines who incorporate the charge within the fare case study 案例分析 庞巴迪挑战者850公务机 aircraft landing fees aircraft parking fees non-aeronautical revenues (非航空性收入/商业收入) rents (租金/租赁收入) concession fees (特许经营费) car parking fees and car rental fees concession fees for commercial activities in terminal buildings non-aeronautical revenues (非航空性收入/商业收入) rents (租金/租赁收入) concession fees (特许经营费) car parking fees and car rental fees concession fees for commercial activities in terminal buildings car parking fees and car rental


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