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Making Process-製作過程 Finished product Making Process-製作過程 3. Assembly(集合) the CD case and the base 1 2 3 4 Making Process-製作過程 4. making the coil by the copper wire Making Process-製作過程 5. assembly to the CD case Making Process-製作過程 5. assembly to the CD case Making Process-製作過程 6. making the rotor(轉片) Making Process-製作過程 6. making the rotor (轉片) 1 3 2 Making Process-製作過程 7. making the turbine(渦輪) 1 2 4 3 Making Process-製作過程 7. making the turbine (渦輪) 5 6 7 Making Process-製作過程 8. assembly all the component(部件) Final Product-製成品 Finish!! Calculation 相關計算 Power(功率) of Wind turbine kinetic energy of a mass in motions is: The power in the wind is given by the rate of change of energy: As mass flow rate is given by: Power (功率) of Wind turbine Also, the rate of change of distance is given by: we get: Hence, the power can be defined as: Power (功率) of Wind turbine Power coefficient(功率系數), Cpmax = 0.59 Therefore, the extractable power: Picture captured from /article/Betz,_Albert German physicist Albert Betz No wind turbine can convert(轉換) more than 16/27 (59.3%) of the kinetic energy of the wind into mechanical energy turning a rotor. Power (功率) of Wind turbine For this turbine, 假設 , Power Coefficient(功率系數), Cp = 0.5 Air density(密度), ρ = 1.23 kg/m3 Area of blades(扇葉), A= 0.04*0.2 = 0.008 m2 Wind speed(風速), v = 20km/h = 5.56 m/sec 所以, P = ?*0.5*1.23*0.008*5.563 = 0.423 W Induced voltage-感生電壓 Since, Thus, 種類 數值 N (線圈圈數) 200 B (磁場強度) 0.5T r (線圈半徑) 0.015m И (線圈數目) 4 Δt (週期時間) 0.2s Induced voltage-感生電壓 Normally, an AA battery(電池) is having 1.5V Applications(應用) Factor (影響因素) Factor(影響因素) of output voltage: Wind speed(風速) Strength of magnet(磁石強度) *The number of turns of coil, N(線圈圈數) *Internal resistance of wire, r(電線內阻) Since因為 N -r ,Iout 延伸探究 內阻同圈數對於輸出電流的連帶關係 計算輸出功率 計算效率 Demonstration-演示 完 * This work by Chak Chun Hang of the Department Applied Physics, The Hong Kong P



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