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HYPERLINK /xujinyang/article/details/6871003 sybase 导出DDL语句以及ddlgen的描述 工具路径: %sybase%/ASEP/bin 注:%sybase%为客户端安装目录 语法: ddlgen -Uusername -Ppassword -Sserver –Ddbname –Tobject_type –Nobject_name -T?数据库对象类型 -N?对象名称 (必须同-T?一起使用,缺省?–N%) 例: 导出test库中所有对象的ddl语句 ddlgen -Uusername -Ppassword -Sserver –Dtest 导出test库中test用户下所有以t开头的用户表的ddl语句 ddlgen -Utest -Ppassword –Sapp77 -Dtest -TU -Nt% ddlgen Description A Java-based tool that generates definitions for?server- and database-level objects in AdaptiveServer.?ddlgen?supports Adaptive Server?version 11.9.2 and later. The command-line version of?ddlgen?is located in?$SYBASE/ASEP/bin?(%SYBASE%\ASEP\bin?in?Windows). Syntax ddlgen -Ulogin -Ppassword -S[server?|?host_name?:?port_number] [-I?interfaces_file] [-Tobject_type] [-Nobject_name] [-Ddbname] [-Xextended_object_type] [-Ooutput_file] [-Eerror_file] [-Lprogress_log_file] [-Jclient_charset] -F[ % | SGM | GRP | USR | R | D | UDD | U | V | P | XP | I | RI | KC | TR | PC ] Or ddlgen -v Parameters -U?login specifies a login name, and is case-sensitive. -P?password specifies your password. -S [server?|?host_name?:?port_number] specifies the name of the Adaptive Server.?ddlgen?looks this name up in the interfaces fileor?LDAP?configuration file. If you specify: · -S [host_name:port_number] – ddlgen?uses the?host_name?and?port_number?provided, and neither interfaces nor?LDAP?configuration files are read or parsed. · -S[server] -I?–?ddlgen?parses the interfaces file specified at the user location for the servername (see the?-I?parameter description for more information). · -S[server]?– without specifying an interfaces file,?ddlgen?does the following: a. ddlgen?first tries to read the?LDAP?configuration file from the standard location b. If the?LDAP?file does not exist, or exists but does not contain an Adaptive Serverentry, then the interfaces file is parsed at its standard location for theserver name c. If the?LDAP?file exists, then?ddlgen?uses it to search the server name.


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