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2.网络传播作品(Works Disseminated Through Networks) 网络传播作品,是指图书馆、档案馆、纪念馆、博物馆、美术馆等通过信息网络向本馆馆舍内服务对象提供本馆收藏的合法出版的数字作品和依法为陈列或者保存版本的需要而以数字化形式复制的作品。 There are some limitations to this kind of fair use: First, the collections of the library are (i) open to the public, or (ii) libraries only give service to those people stay indoor. They cannot provide service to those people outside libraries, no matter through network or dedicated circuit; Third, digital works must be read online, under the protection of encryption, identity authentication technology measures. (九)免费表演中的使用(Utilization in Free-of-charge Live Performances) 免费表演,是指该表演未向公众收取费用,也未向表演者支付报酬。 (十)室外公共场所艺术品的复制(Copy of Artistic Work Located or on Display in Outdoor Public Places) 室外公共场所艺术品的复制,是指对设置或者陈列在室外公共场所的艺术作品通过临摹、绘画、摄影、录像等方式进行复制。 (十一)制作成少数民族语言文字版本的使用(Utilization of Minority Nationality Language Version) 制作成少数民族语言文字版本,是指将中国公民、法人或者其他组织已经发表的以汉语言文字创作的作品翻译成少数民族语言文字作品在国内出版发行,以及通过网络向中国境内少数民族提供。 However, there are some strictly legal limitations: First, it is limit to the Chinese works(汉语作品) of Chinese citizens and organizations; Second, it only refers to translation of language, no matter the translation is done for money or not. For example, it is not a fair use, if the author recomposes a Chinese novel into a drama and provides its ethnic linguistic version to ethnic majorities; Third, it is only used in mainland. Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macao are not included. (十二)制作成盲文版本的使用(Utilization of Braille Edition) 制作成盲文版本的使用,是指将已经发表的作品改成盲文出版,以及不以营利为目的而通过网络以盲人能够感知的独特方式向盲人提供已经发表的文字作品。 The work here has no limitation, regardless of the nationality of copyright holder, regardless of what language it uses. All works can rewrite into braille for publication, no matter profitable or not. 四、法定许可(Statutory License) 法定许可,是指根据法律的直接规定,以特定方式使用他人已发表的作品,可以不经著作权人许可,但应按规定向其支付报酬,并不得侵犯著作权人其他权利的一种制度。 3使用费: 由国家版权局与国家价格主管部门制定(实施条例22条) 声明排除权: 法律允许权利人对大多数的法定许可声明排除,但法定许可播放不允许声明排除 (一)报刊转载的法定许可(Reprinting in Newspapers) 报刊转载的法定许可,是指当某一作品在报


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