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; The famed New York Times columnist, Thomas Friedman, wrote a column in which he said America needs more jobs—Steve Jobs. He meant that innovation and creativity must be nurtured and encouraged to help the U.S and other countries emerge from the global recession. Everyone wants to learn more about Steve Jobs, yet very few journalists have identified the principles that drive Steve Jobs and his success. Until now, that is. ;The Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs (McGraw-Hill, October, 2010) reveals the 7 principles that are largely responsible for his breakthrough success; principles that have guided Steve Jobs for his entire career and, more important, principles you can adopt today to “think differently” about your company, product or service. ;Steve Jobs has something to teach you about your career, your business, and your brand. He thinks differently about every aspect of business – from product design to marketing to communications. Here are the 7 principles responsible for Jobs’ breakthrough success.;;“Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become.”;Jobs has followed his heart his entire career and that passion, he says, has made all the difference. It’s very difficult to come up with new, creative ideas that move society forward if you are not passionate about the subject. ;In 1972, Steve Jobs dropped out of Reed College in Portland after just one semester.;He stayed another 18 months to “drop in” to those classes he enjoyed, like calligraphy. Calligraphy didn’t have any obvious practical application in his life but it would come back to Jobs when he created the Mac.;The Macintosh was the world’s first computer with beautiful fonts and typography. If Steve Jobs hadn’t followed his passion, we’d still be entering line commands. ;“Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t matter to me. Going to be bed at night saying we’ve done something wonderful—that’s what matters to me.”;“Passion won’t prot


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