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Sentence Paraphrase 13 Too much attention or excitement to unimportant things to replace pay, reward It made me watch people shouting in joy and support of the King and wonder what this senseless excitement was all about although I did not have anything good to replace this exciting or intoxicating patriotism. But I did get something out of it. object complement go to 14 It set me watching the crowds cheering His Majesty the King and asking myself what all the fuss was about, without giving me anything positive to put in the place of that heady patriotism. But there were compensations. (Para.25) Sentence Paraphrase 14 She claimed that the Bible was literally inspired. I countered by saying that the Catholics believed in the literal inspiration of Saint Jerome’s Vulgate and the two books were different. Argument flagged. (Para. 26) A true historical record The Latin translation of the Bible, used in a revised form as the Roman Catholic authorized version to become dull “Both Methodists and Catholics believed that their Books are a true record of the God’s divine plan.” The author used this example to defy Ruth’s illogical opinion, therefore the argument became dull because Ruth didn’t know how to respond to it. go to 15 Sentence Paraphrase 15 go to 16 That was too easy, said I restively since there were more Roman Catholics than Methodists anyway; … (Para. 27) restlessly, difficult to control one’s emotion Here, the author pointed out Ruth’s logical error. The number of people who hold a view is no proof of its validity. Note the author’s description of the contrasting combination of his intimate action and strong defiant expressions, which eventually made Ruth withdraw and give up as a grade-two thinker. Sentence Paraphrase 16 go to 17 I would bet on the Buddhists; I am sure, they are greater in number More than she could accept or bear If we were talking about the number of people who believe in this I slid my arm around her waist and murmured that if we were


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