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题库所有Issue题目的GRE写作提纲(六)   为了帮助同学们更好的复习GRE写作,小编为同学们编辑整理了一套题库所有Issue题目的GRE写作提纲,供同学们学习使用,希望能为大家备考GRE写作提供帮助。   第六类 政治   8. It is often necessary, even desirable, for political leaders to withhold information from the public.   对于政治领导者来说,向人民大众隐瞒信息通常是必要的,甚至有益的。   Agree   1. In order to gain the opportunity for effective public leadership, a would-be leader must first gain and maintain political power. In the game of politics, complete forthrightness is a sign of vulnerability and naiveté, neither of which earn a politician respect among his or her opponents.   2. Fully disclosing to the public certain types of information would threaten public safety and perhaps even national security.   3. Nevertheless, legitimate political leadership indeed requires forthrightness with the citizenry as to the leader’s motives and agenda.   少数和多数的关系之true lies, the truth is out there.   ------------------------------   24. People in positions of power are most effective when they exercise caution and restraint in the use of that power.   当掌握权力的人们试图小心而节制的使用权力时,他们是最有效率的。   1. People without caution and restraint tend to abuse the power granted to them.   2. Caution and restraint help people have better understanding and make better use of the power.   3. Leaders should not be tied up by too much caution and restraint.   过犹不及   ------------------------------   43. To be an effective leader, a public official must maintain the highest ethical and moral standards.   一个公仆如果想成为一位杰出的领导者就必须保持最高的伦理和道德标准。   1. In the business realm, successful leadership is generally defined as that which achieves the goal of profit maximization for a firm’s shareholders or other owners.   2. In the political realm the issue is no less complex. Definition of successful political leadership and of ethical or moral leadership are tied up in the means a leader uses to wield his or her power and to obtain that power in the first place.   3. Personal morality is unrelated to effective politic


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