本科毕业论文 数据库加密技术.doc

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本科毕业论文 数据库加密技术

摘要 随着计算机特别是网络的发展,信息科技进入了日新月异的时代。数据库逐渐成为信息系统核心部分并广泛应用于企业、政府和军事等各个领域,数据的共享日益增加,由此数据的安全工作越来越重要。以明文形式存放的数据,即使置于口令、防火墙和入侵检测系统的保护之下,也是很容易被窃取、盗用和破坏的。数据库中大量数据的安全问题、敏感数据的防窃和防篡改问题,已成为当前计算机安全的一个重要课题。 我的论文主要针对数据库安全问题中的加密技术进行研究,分析了数据库的加密粒度、攻击加密数据库的方法、数据库加密技术要求、数据库加密中的关键技术,经过分析与比较,最终确定选择目前先进的AES加密算法对数据库进行加密处理。S盒作为唯一的非线性结构部件是AES密码设计的核心,也是密码保密性的关键所在,在对长度为128位的明文加密运算中,S盒共用到160次,所以它的密码强度在一定程度上决定了整个密码算法的安全强度,本文的替换解决了AES算法的S盒的迭代输出周期过短的特性,使周期扩大到256整个空间,另一方面AES算法提供的S盒的代数表达式只有9项,经过改进达到255项,从而让AES算法的S盒在一定程度上改良了其非线性和差分物质特性,改进的AES算法提高了抵抗密码分析攻击的能力,增强了数据库的安全性。 【关键词】:数据库;加密;AES;S盒 Abstract With the development of the computer in particular the net work, information technology has got into the ever-changing time. The database has gradually become part of the core information systems and widely used in corporate government and military and other fields,increasing the sharing of data, and the security of data has become more and more important. Data, even if placed in password,firewall and intrusion detection system under the protection,is also very easy to be stolen and destroyed. Large amounts of data in the database of security issues, the theft of sensitive data and issue tamper resistant have become an important subject of the current computer security. This paper mainly studies the encryption method of the database secure policy,analysis of the database size of encryption,encrypted database of attack methods,database encryption technology requirements,the key database encryption technology,through analysis and comparison,and finally choosing the current advanced AES encryption algorithm to encrypt the database. S box as the only non-linear structure components is the core design of AES password,the password is the key to confidentiality. On the length of the 128 operator in explicit encryption, S-box used 160 times,so it’s password strength to a certain extent the password algorithm determines the strength of the security .In this paper,the replacement of the AES algorithm to solve the S-box


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