物流学论文 中国企业物流运作现状及发展战略探讨.doc

物流学论文 中国企业物流运作现状及发展战略探讨.doc

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物流学论文 中国企业物流运作现状及发展战略探讨

《物流学》期末考试 (2010—2011学年第二学期) 中国企业物流运作现状及发展战略探讨 院(系、部): 工商管理学院 专 业: 学生姓名: 学 号: 指导教师: XXX老师 2011年 摘 要 社会的 HYPERLINK /Economic/ 经济活动主要由生产、流通、消费等组成,流通是联系生产和消费的必要环节,没有流通,商品的价值和使用价值都无法实现,物流就是研究如何在全社会范围内合理地组织物的流通。物流越来越受到各界的关注。随着世界经济的持续发展和科学技术的突飞猛进,现代物流作为现代经济的重要组成部分和 HYPERLINK /gongxue/ 工业化进程中最为经济合理的服务模式,正在全球范围内得以迅速发展。 现代物流是以满足消费者为目标,把制造、运输、销售等市场情况统一起来思考的一种战略措施,它是集现代运输、信息 HYPERLINK /network/ 网络、仓储管理、营销策划等诸多业务、技术门类于一体的多学科、多领域的综合管理 HYPERLINK /gongxue/ 科学。随着市场竞争的加剧,大多数企业开始降低物流成本、提高物流服务水平。为了以较低的交付成本、更好的物流服务在国内、国际市场中赢得竞争优势,物流战略越来越成为企业总体战略中不可分割的组成部分。我国目前物流业 HYPERLINK /fazhan/ 发展缓慢,转变观念,实行现代物流管理是关键。提高物流水平,降低物流成本,提高市场竞争能力是 HYPERLINK /company/ 企业永恒的主题。 关键词: HYPERLINK /dangdai/ 现代物流;物流现状;发展战略(主要对策);信息 HYPERLINK /network/ 网络;营销策划 Abstract Social and economic activities, mainly by the production, distribution, circulation and consumption and production and consumption are linked to the process, circulation of goods, value and the use of values, logistics is studying how to the whole range of rational organization of circulation. The growing public concern. As the world economic development and scientific and technological advances in modern logistics as a modern economy is an important part of the process of industrialization and the economic mode of service in the global level has developed rapidly. Modern logistics is to satisfy customers, the manufacturing, transportation and sales markets for the unity of thinking is a strategic measure, it is a modern transportation, information network and warehousing management, marketing plan a business and technical kind of subject and comprehensive management in the field of science. as competition intensifies, most businesses to reduce costs and improve the logistics services. In order to lower delivery, the logistics service in both domestic and international market, the logistics strategy to g


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